Robert Lawrence Stine (Columbus, 18 de outubro de 1943) conhecido como R.L.
Stine e Jovial Bob Stine, é um escritor americano.
[1] Stine é chamado de "Stephen King da literatura infantil".
[2] É autor de centenas de romances de ficção de terror, incluindo os livros das séries Rua do Medo, Goosebumps, (que virou série de tv, e foi considerado o "Harry Potter" da década de 90) e Hora do Arrepio.
Os livros de RL Stine já venderam mais de 400 milhões de cópias,[3] o que o fez entrar para o Guinness World Records (livro dos recordes).R.L.
Stine, como é conhecido popularmente, nasceu no município de Columbus no estado americano de Ohio.
[4] É filho da dona de casa Anne Stine e de Lewis Stine, um funcionário do setor de expedição.
É conhecido pelas histórias juvenis de suspense , Seu primeiro livro infanto-juvenil foi "Como ser engraçado".
Atualmente mora próximo ao Central Park,Apostas on-line com bônusNova York, comApostas on-line com bônusmulher, Jane, e o filho Matt.R.L.
Stine é autor da séries Rua do Medo e Fantasmas da Rua do Medo e de O supersticioso, livro de suspense para adultos, todos publicados pela Rocco.
Já escreveu mais de 350 histórias de mistério e policiais para adolescentes, todos best-sellers.
Ele diz não saber de onde vêm suas idéias: "Só sei que tenho um monte de histórias na cabeça e que não posso esperar para escrevê-las", declara.
Suas histórias são basicamente de suspense pra crianças e adolescentes, mas nunca é muito assustadora por causa da faixa-etária pra quem escreve.
Ele diz: "Várias crianças vem me perguntar: Você viveu as histórias mesmo, daquele livro?! SintoApostas on-line com bônusdizer: Não.
", diverte-se.
Robert Lawrence Stine, passou a escrever aos 9 anos, quando encontrou uma maquina de escrever no sótão deApostas on-line com bônuscasa.
O livro Goosebumps que deu origem a série foi Welcome to Dead House, ou Bem-Vindo à Casa dos Mortos, um dos mais vendidas da série, assim como Haunted Mask, ou A Máscara Monstruosa.
Eye candy 2015
Jerks-in-Training Losers in Space Bozos on PatrolArtigo autônomo:§ Goosebumps Series
Goosebumps Series 2000 [ editar | editar código-fonte ]
Cry of the Cat Bride of the Living Dummy Creature Teacher Invasion of the Body Squeezers, Part I Invasion of the Body Squeezers, Part II I Am Your Evil Twin Revenge R Us Fright Camp Are You Terrified Yet? Headless Halloween Attack of the Graveyard Ghouls Brain Juice Return to HorrorLand Jekyll and Heidi Scream School The Mummy Walks The Werewolf in the Living Room Horrors of the Black Ring Return to Ghost Camp Be Afraid – Be Very Afraid! The Haunted Car Full Moon Fever Slappy's Nightmare Earth Geeks Must Go! Ghost in the Mirror
Give Yourself Goosebumps [ editar | editar código-fonte ]
Escape from the Carnival of Horrors Tick Tock, You're Dead! Trapped in Bat Wing Hall The Deadly Experiments of Dr.
Eeek Night in Werewolf Woods Beware of the Purple Peanut Butter Under the Magician's Spell The Curse of the Creeping Coffin The Knight in Screaming Armor Diary of a Mad Mummy Deep in the Jungle of Doom Welcome to the Wicked Wax Museum Scream of the Evil Genie The Creepy Creations of Professor Shock Please Don't Feed the Vampire! Secret Agent Grandma Little Comic Shop of Horrors Attack of the Beastly Baby-sitter Escape from Camp Run-for-Your-Life Toy Terror: Batteries Included The Twisted Tale of Tiki Island Return to the Carnival of Horrors Zapped in Space Lost in Stinkeye Swamp Shop Till You Drop...
Dead! Alone in Snakebite Canyon Checkout Time at the Dead-End Hotel Night of a Thousand Claws Invaders from the Big Screen You're Plant Food! The Werewolf of Twisted Tree Lodge It's Only a Nightmare It Came from the Internet Elevator to Nowhere Hocus-Pocus Horror Ship of Ghouls Escape from Horror House Into the Twister of Terror Scary Birthday to You Zombie School Danger Time All-Day Nightmare
Give Yourself Goosebumps Special Edition [ editar | editar código-fonte ]
Into the Jaws of Doom Return to Terror Tower Trapped in the Circus of Fear One Night in Payne House The Curse of the Cave Creatures Revenge of the Body Squeezers Trick or...
Trapped! Weekend at Poison Lake
The New Girl The Surprise Party The Overnight Missing The Wrong Number The Sleepwalker Haunted Halloween Party The Stepsister Ski Weekend The Fire Game Lights Out The Secret Bedroom The Knife The Prom Queen First Date The Best Friend The Cheater Sunburn The New Boy The Dare Bad Dreams Double Date The Thrill Club One Evil Summer The Mind Reader Wrong Number 2 Truth or Dare Dead End Final Grade Switched College Weekend The Stepsister 2 What Holly Heard The Face Secret Admirer The Perfect Date The Confession The Boy Next Door Night Games Runaway Killer's Kiss All-Night Party The Rich Girl Cat Fear Hall: The Beginning Fear Hall: The Conclusion Who Killed The Homecoming Queen? Into The Dark Best Friend 2 Trapped Party Games Don't Stay Up Late The Lost Girl Fear Street Super Thriller: Party Games & Don't Stay Up Late
New Fear Street [ editar | editar código-fonte ]
The Stepbrother Camp Out Scream, Jennifer, Scream! The Bad Girl
Fear Street Super Chiller [ editar | editar código-fonte ]
Party Summer Silent Night Goodnight Kiss Broken Hearts Silent Night 2 The Dead Lifeguard Cheerleaders: The New Evil Bad Moonlight The New Year's Party Goodnight Kiss 2 Silent Night 3 High Tide Cheerleaders: The Evil Lives!
The First Evil The Second Evil The Third Evil The New Evil The Evil Lives!
The Fear Street Saga Trilogy [ editar | editar código-fonte ]
The Betrayal The Secret The Burning
99 Fear Street: The House of Evil [ editar | editar código-fonte ]
The First Horror The Second Horror The Third Horror
The Evil Moon The Dark Secret The Deadly Fire
The First Scream The Loudest Scream The Last Scream
Fear Street Sagas [ editar | editar código-fonte ]
A New Fear House of Whispers Forbidden Secrets The Sign of Fear The Hidden Evil Daughters of Silence Children of Fear Dance of Death Heart of the Hunter The Awakening Evil Circle of Fire Chamber of Fear Faces of Terror One Last Kiss Door of Death The Hand of Power
Fear Street Seniors [ editar | editar código-fonte ]
Let's Party In Too Deep The Thirst No Answer Last Chance The Gift Fight Team, Fight Sweetheart, Evil Heart Spring Break Wicked The Prom Date Graduation Day
Fear Street Nights [ editar | editar código-fonte ]
Moonlight Secrets Midnight Games Darkest Dawn
Ghosts of Fear Street [ editar | editar código-fonte ]
Hide and Shriek Who's Been Sleeping in My Grave? The Attack of the Aqua Apes Nightmare in 3-D Stay Away from the Tree House Eye of the Fortuneteller Fright Knight The Ooze Revenge of the Shadow People The Bugman Lives! The Boy Who Ate Fear Street Night of the Werecat How to Be a Vampire Body Switchers from Outer Space Fright Christmas Don't Ever Get Sick at Granny's House of a Thousand Screams Camp Fear Ghouls Three Evil Wishes Spell of the Screaming Jokers The Creature from Club Lagoona Field of Screams Why I'm Not Afraid of Ghosts Monster Dog Halloween Bugs Me! Go to Your Tomb – Right Now! Parents from the 13th Dimension Hide and Shriek II The Tale of the Blue Monkey I Was a Sixth-Grade Zombie Escape of the He-Beast Caution: Aliens at Work Attack of the Vampire Worms Horror Hotel Pt.
1: The Vampire Checks in Horror Hotel Pt.
2: Ghost in the Guest Room The Funhouse of Dr.Freek
Who Let the Ghosts Out? Have You Met My Ghoulfriend? One Night in Doom House Little Camp of Horrors Ghouls Gone Wild Let's Get This Party Haunted! Freaks and Shrieks Don't Close Your Eyes!
The Big Blueberry Barf-Off! The Great Smelling Bee The Good, the Bad and the Very Slimy Lose, Team, Lose! Shake, Rattle and Hurl! The Heinie Prize Dudes, the School is Haunted! The Teacher from Heck Party Poopers The Rottenest Angel Punk'd and Skunked Battle of the Dum Diddys Got Cake? Night of the Creepy Things Calling All Birdbrains Dumb Clucks
The Nightmare Room [ editar | editar código-fonte ]
Don't Forget Me! Locker 13 My Name is Evil Liar Liar Dear Diary, I'm Dead They Call Me Creature The Howler Shadow Girl Camp Nowhere Full Moon Halloween Scare School Visitors
The Nightmare Room Thrillogy [ editar | editar código-fonte ]
Fear Games What Scares You the Most? No Survivors
Welcome to HorrorLand: A Survival Guide
Revenge of the Living DummyCreep from the Deep
Monster Blood for Breakfast!
The Scream of the Haunted MaskDr.Maniac vs.
Robby SchwartzWho's Your Mummy?
My Friends Call Me Monster
Say Cheese – And Die Screaming!
Welcome to Camp Slither
Help! We Have Strange Powers!
Escape from HorrorLand
The Streets of Panic Park
When the Ghost Dog Howls
Little Shop of HamstersHeads, You Lose!Weirdo HalloweenThe Wizard Of OozeSlappy's New Year!
The Horror at Chiller HouseClaws!
Night of Giant Everything
The Five Masks of Dr.Screem
Why I Quit Zombie SchoolDon't Scream!
The Birthday Party of No Return
Goosebumps Most Wanted [ editar | editar código-fonte ]Son of Slappy
Planet of the Lawn Gnomes
How I Met My MonsterFrankenstein's DogDr.
Maniac Will See You Now
Creature Teacher: The Final Exam
A Nightmare on Clown StreetSpecial EditionZombie Halloween
The 12 Screams of Christmas
The Badlands of Hark The Invaders of Hark
Both were re-released in 2010 under the name Bitten.ISBN 978-0060530808
Dangerous Girls The Taste of Night
The Adventures of ShrinkmanThe BeastThe Beast 2CurtainsEye Candy
It's the First Day of School...Forever!
A Midsummer Night's Scream
Monsterville: Cabinet of SoulsPhone CallsRed RainThe SitterSuperstitiousThree Faces of Me
When Good Ghouls Go BadZombie Town
Beware! (edited by Stine)
(edited by Stine) The Haunting HourThe Nightmare Hour
Tales to Give You Goosebumps
More Tales to Give You Goosebumps
Even More Tales to Give You Goosebumps
Still More Tales to Give You Goosebumps
More and More Tales to Give You Goosebumps
More and More and More Tales to Give You Goosebumps
Goosebumps Triple Header, Book 1
Goosebumps Triple Header, Book 2"The Spell""Dead of Night""The Head Start""Lucky at Cards"
"The Kid Behind the Door"
"The Terror After School""Do Some Damage!"
"Curse of the Smiling Mummy"
"Can You Keep a Secret?""The Vampire Club"
"My Worst Nightmare""The Wrong Room"
Non-fiction and Jovial Bob Stine books [ editar | editar código-fonte ]101 Vacation Jokes101 Wacky Kid Jokes
101 Silly Monster Jokes
The Absurdly Silly Encyclopaedia and Fly Swatter
Amazing Adventure of Me, Myself and I
Blips: The First Book of Videogame Funnies
Cool Kids' Guide to Summer Camp
Doggone Dog Joke Book
Don't Stand in the SoupHow to Be Funny
It Came From Ohio!: My Life As A Writer (autobiography)
(autobiography) Miami Mice
Pork and Beans: Play Date
The Sick of Being Sick Book
You Know It's Going to Be A Long School Year When..
My Secret Identity
Pigs' Book of World Records
Jovial Bob's Computer Joke Book
Ghostbusters II Storybook
Spaceballs: The BookBig Top Pee-Wee
Zachary Blue books [ editar | editar código-fonte ]
The Jet Fighter Trap
The Protectors: The Petrova TwistGnasty GnomesMan-Thing
Contributions to other series [ editar | editar código-fonte ]Broken Date
How I Broke Up With Ernie
Masters of the Universe [ editar | editar código-fonte ]Demons of the DeepThe Time Raider
Golden Sword of Dragonwalk
Horrors of the Haunted MuseumInstant Millionaire
Find Your Fate [ editar | editar código-fonte ]
Indiana Jones and the Curse of Horror Island
Indiana Jones and the Giants of the Silver Tower
Indiana Jones and the Cult of the Mummy's Crypt
James Bond in Win, Place or Die
Indiana Jones and the Ape Slaves of Howling Island
Find Your Fate Junior: Golden Girl [ editar | editar código-fonte ]
Golden Girl and the Vanishing Unicorn
Wizards, Warriors and You [ editar | editar código-fonte ]
The books followed the standard Choose Your Own Adventure formula, but also featured "flagged" choices that were determined by choices earlier in the book.
(For example, "If you already have the Unfathomable Pocket of Crowden, turn to page 65; otherwise, turn to page 78.
") The books attempted to introduce a further "role-playing game-like" element with the inclusion of randomization to determine events such as the outcome of a battle or success of a spell.
These RPG-like elements were designed for young readers, and were thus very simple, as opposed to the complex mechanics of the teen-oriented Fighting Fantasy and Lone Wolf series of gamebooks.
The Forest of Twisted Dreams
The Siege of the Dragonriders (as Eric Affabee)
(as Eric Affabee) Challenge of the Wolf Knight
The Dragon Queen's Revenge (as Eric Affabee)
(as Eric Affabee) Cavern of the Phantoms
Attack on the King (as Eric Affabee)G.I.
Joe: Find Your Fate [ editar | editar código-fonte ]
Operation: Star Raider (as Eric Affabee)
(as Eric Affabee) Operation: Deadly Decoy
Operation: Mindbender
Serpentor and the Mummy WarriorSiege of SerpentorJungle RaidFatal KissGrave IntentionsDeadly RumoursBlind DateTwistedThe BabysitterBeach PartyThe BoyfriendThe Babysitter IIThe GirlfriendThe SnowmanBeach HouseHit and RunThe HitchhikerHalloween NightThe Babysitter IIIThe Dead GirlfriendCall WaitingHalloween Night II
I Saw You That Night!The WitnessThe Babysitter IV