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1941年8月,由澳大利亞率領的圖卜魯格老鼠團駐紮在利比亞圖卜魯格。偷襲皇家義大利軍的行動失敗後,少尉盧卡斯·里古斯(Lucas Riggs,馬丁·科平飾)奉命前去回收英軍的補給品,隨行戰友有二等兵達斯蒙德·「德」·威爾莫特(Desmond "Des" Wilmot)和英軍上尉理察·雅各布斯(Richard Jacobs)。途中,三人搗毀了德軍的一處倉庫,找到了埃爾溫·隆美爾將軍的情報,但里古斯由於違抗上級指令,被少校亨利·哈姆斯(Henry Hamms)拘禁。1942年,阿拉曼戰役打響,里古斯與老鼠團奉哈姆斯的命令組建防線。里古斯再度違抗命令,奪取一座小山丘,在德斯的幫助下呼叫空襲。兩人成功完成任務,但德斯在行動中陣亡。里古斯對老鼠團消極應戰感到憤慨,沮喪中出手打了哈姆斯,最終面臨牢獄之災。
1942年6月,美國海軍飛行員中尉韋德·傑克遜(Wade Jackson,原型為理查·貝斯特與諾曼·克萊斯,德瑞克·菲利浦斯飾)與尾炮手航空機械師馬特奧·埃爾南德斯(Mateo Hernandez)一同參加中途島海戰。1943年11月,兩人的飛機在布干維爾島突襲大日本帝國陸軍時被擊落,遭日本兵俘虜,在美軍第93步兵師的幫助下脫困,後偷取大日本帝國海軍的九九式艦上轟炸機幫助93師重奪島嶼。
1942年8月,蘇聯紅軍護士波琳娜·彼得羅娃(Polina Petrova,原型為柳德米拉·帕夫利琴科,蘿拉·貝莉飾)親眼見證德軍入侵史達林格勒,父親鮑里斯(Boris Petrov,埃利亞·貝斯金飾)慘死在德軍槍下。她帶著哥哥米沙(Misha)和幾位蘇軍游擊隊員逃跑,因狙擊槍法了得,常出其不意地偷襲敵軍,故被敵軍稱為「夜鶯女士」(Lady Nightingale)。而後,波琳娜開始追殺發動入侵的德意志國防軍指揮官里歐·施坦納(Leo Steiner,Ray Proscia飾)。1943年1月,收到情報的彼得羅娃和米莎在史達林格勒暗殺施泰納,米沙在戰鬥中被敵人狙擊手打中負傷。為了給妹妹時間逃跑,米沙拉響手榴彈,與敵人同歸於盡。波琳娜後來跟著施泰納的腳步,成功擊殺他和他的部下。後來,史達林格勒人民在她的英勇事跡鼓舞下,從納粹手中收復城市。從那時起,波琳娜就把目光投向了施泰納的上級,赫爾曼·弗萊辛格(Hermann Freisinger,Dan Donohue飾)。
Subway Surfers is a classic endless runner game. You play as Jake, who surfs the subways and tries to escape from the grumpy Inspector and his dog. You'll need to dodge trains, trams, obstacles, and more to go as far as you can in this endless running game. Collect coins to unlock power-ups and special gear to help you go further every time in Subway Surfers. Furthermore, coins can be used to unlock different characters and boards. With your keys you can customize the characters and upgrade your hoverboards with special powers. Don't forget to complete the awards, since they give you keys. In 'MyTour' you can collect rewards from completing daily Word Hunts. You can also find missions there. Subway Surfers was created by Sybo in 2012. And till this day it is one of the most popular games online!
Subway Surfers went HTML5, so you can play the game now on your mobile phone and tablet online in your browser exclusively on Poki. Next to that, you can still enjoy playing Subway Surfers on your PC. You can play the game for free without downloading it. If you are interested in games similar to Subway Surfers, have a look at our Running Games. Enjoy surfing here on Poki!
What is the latest world?
Ho ho ho! It's the most wonderful time of the year once again! We're leaving London behind and are going to pay a visit to the winter wonderland of the North Pole. It may be cold and snowy, but there's a lot to see and explore! Set out for the ice caves or have a look at the gift factories. Visit the cozy villages or take a look inside of an igloo. It's going to be a white Christmas for sure! Happy Holidays, surfers!
How to play Subway Surfers online?