You are here: Booking your visit
Only residents who pay Council Tax to Medway Council
can book into Medway HWRCs.
If you 4️⃣ do not live in Medway or pay Council Tax to us, you
cannot visit Medway's HWRCs. You'll need to visit 4️⃣ your local council's website to visit
your local HWRC.
Medway residents looking to visit a Kent HWRC need to pay a 4️⃣ £10 fee to
Kent County Council.
If you're unsure if you're a Medway resident, you can search for
your property by 4️⃣ postcode on GOV.UK.
Find your local council on GOV.UK
Book your visit
You need to book a slot every time you want 4️⃣ to attend and dispose of household
You should read the full site rules before you book your slot.
To book your
4️⃣ visit you'll need to provide your:
name, address and email address
vehicle make, model,
colour and registration
proof of address.
Once you have supplied 4️⃣ this information,
you'll be able to book a day and time slot from the calendar over the next 7 days.
4️⃣ booking entitles you to one trip to the site only within your specified booking slot.
If you turn up again 4️⃣ within that booking slot or do not book a slot, you'll be turned
Remember you can donate quality reusable items 4️⃣ to Gillingham Street Angels when
you book a slot to visit the HWRC.
Proof of address
We'll ask you to show your 4️⃣ driving
licence with proof of address when you arrive on site.
Alternatively, you can use
Council Tax bill
gas or electricity bill
TV 4️⃣ licence letter.
Staff at the sites will
only be checking the address and postcode matches your booking.
Book online
When you
book online, 4️⃣ you’ll need to take note of the following:
date of booking and time
booking reference number
site you'll be visiting.
Book your slot 4️⃣ online
Book by
If you have an email address, please book online.
Phone bookings are only for
people who do not have 4️⃣ an email address or the internet. In this case call 01634 333
333, Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm.
The 4️⃣ phone lines may be busy. You can book a
maximum of 2 visits during each phone call.
On the day of 4️⃣ your booking
Before leaving
home, we advise you to check our social media pages for service updates. Any updates
will be 4️⃣ posted on:
Separating your recycling
Before visiting our sites, you will need
to separate your recycling into different materials. There is no 4️⃣ facility for disposing
of mixed bags of recycling.
White recycling kerbside pick-up can be used for plastics
mixed plastic bottles
Visiting our 4️⃣ sites
You need to have the
following ready to show the security guard:
your booking reference
your proof of
Please aim to arrive 4️⃣ within your booked slot. If you gave us your email
address, your slot time and date will be shown on 4️⃣ your confirmation email.
You can
visit at any time during your booked slot. Each booking entitles you to one trip to 4️⃣ the
site only within your specified booking slot.
You should stagger your visit and
especially avoid opening times. This is to 4️⃣ help us manage traffic flow.
Cancel your
If you need to amend a booking use our online form to cancel your 4️⃣ visit by 3pm
on the day before your visit.
Opening times
Capstone, Cuxton and Hoath Way sites are
open at the following 4️⃣ times every day:
8am to 9am
9:01am to 10am
10:01am to
11:01am to 12pm
12:01pm to 1pm
1:01pm to 2pm
2:01pm to 3pm
3:01pm to 4pm.
stagger 4️⃣ your visits during this time frame to avoid queuing on the road.
You can visit all 3 of our HWRC 4️⃣ sites in a car, which is defined as a
passenger carrying vehicle under 2 metres in height with 9 seats 4️⃣ or less.
Small van
bookings are only available at our Capstone and Cuxton sites on Wednesday and Saturdays
for Medway Council 4️⃣ residents only.
Van bookings are not accepted at Hoath Way.
If you
select car and arrive in a van at any site, 4️⃣ you will be turned away.
For more
information on if your vehicle is considered to be a van or a car, 4️⃣ check the list of
permitted vehicles.
Local charities
We offer qualifying charities, upon request, the
option to dispose of domestic waste using 4️⃣ the Capstone HWRC.
Find out more about local
charity access to Capstone HWRC.
Share a comment, compliment or complaint
We would like
to 4️⃣ hear your feedback about this service.
Share a comment, compliment or
Privacy and data protection
To see how we use your data 4️⃣ visit our service
privacy policy and the full Medway Council privacy policy.