Hello,First i will apologise for bad english if you dont understand me, i tried to
combine google translator.One day in 🔑 February, i opened account with bet365 and i made
deposit to the website. i sent them all my documents 🔑 for verification and they sent a
message that account is verified and i can withdrawl.i betted and won some money 🔑 and
decided to withdraw and i did, after 24hrs my money was not paid and i went to chat to
🔑 ask why. they told me my account was under review and i do not know why. after another
24 hours 🔑 they said it is still under review.The 3rd day, they closed my account and
asked me to send a new 🔑 identification and selfie and pvc code. I sent the
identification and selfie but since i did not get the pvc 🔑 code i was waiting and i
asked them and they said it will take 28 working day. After 31 days, 🔑 i went again to
chat and asked for the code since i did not get it and the post office 🔑 said they did
not get it. They told me they sent it but i want them to resend another one. 🔑 i asked
them to send another one. They told me they have sent, the next day i asked again the
🔑 agent to make sure it was sent, they said NO, so i started the procedure again and
after that, the 🔑 agent confirmed he sent it.On 14th april, i recieved this code and i
happily sent it to bet365 and they 🔑 said to me the code is incorrect, i forwarded the
letter to them and they said the code was for 🔑 the first letter and so i have to wait
again for the second letter.This is becoming like a fraud to 🔑 me because i do not
understand why i have to wait for another letter that has the same address, name 🔑 and
everything the same except a different code. They sent the letter to verify my address,
so i got the 🔑 letter why do they need to get the second before they can verify my
address.Then i went to the post 🔑 office and asked them for the tracking number of the
letter, and when it was sent, the post office said 🔑 it was sent 1 april 2024, this mean
that this was actually the second letter and bet365 is saying that 🔑 it was the first
letter.I do not understand what kind of letter that takes 60 days to get to its
🔑 destination. Then why was the letter sent april and bet365 is saying february.