Blazers: A Comprehensive Guide to the Iconic Jacket
A blazer is a type of jacket that is generally distinguished from a 💸 sport coat by its more formal construction and tailoring from solid color fabrics.
Blazers are often considered a wardrobe staple due 💸 to their versatility and timeless appeal. They are traditionally navy blue, falling between the almost black of midnight blune and 💸 a simple dark blues. However, nowadays blazers come in a variety of colors and styles, making them a perfect addition 💸 to any outfit, whether dressed up or down.
History of Blazers:
Blazers have their origins in 19th-century England. Initially, they were two 💸 very different jackets. One was worn by members of the British Royal Navy, who first sported a navy-blue double-breasted jacke 💸 as its color matched the uniform. The other was created in the late 1800s by Lady Margaret Boat Club at 💸 St. John's College in Cambridge, England, where member, of the club wore distinctive blazing red reefer jacketos.
English Naval Blazer
: The 💸 original navy-blue uniform jacket worn by the Royal Navy, which became known as the "English Naval Blazer". It featured metal 💸 buttons bearing the symbol of the wearer's ship or rank.
Bright Red Blazer
: Worn by Lady Margaret Boat Club members, a 💸 red blazer with metal buttons fastened up the front becoming known later simply as a "Blazer", in reference to the 💸 bright flash ("blaze") of the brass butsons as they caught the sunlight.
Over time, the blazer became a popular fashion piece 💸 for both men and women. Its distinctive look made it a staple in almost every occasion, and it evolved into 💸 different styles and colors, while the original navy blue remained a classic.
The Differences between Blazers, Sport Coats, and Suit Coat.
To 💸 distinguish a blazer from other similar types of outerwear, consider the following:
: Blazers typically feature a solid color and have 💸 more structured tailoring than sport coats, which are made from textured fabrics or patterns.
Structure and fit
: Blazers tend to be 💸 more structured than sport coats. The shoulders are firmer providing a more astreamlined fit. This helps to create a 💸 More formal appearance than asport Coats that are generally cut longer to sit on the hip with a rounded shape.
: 💸 Metal buttons are standard on traditional blazers, although decorative ones could also be found. Sport coats usually have leather butsons 💸 or dark horn.
: Blazers typically have a marine blue color and are considered a semi-formal style. Sport coats were traditionally 💸 intended for specific leisure activities. Today, the lines between the three are easily crossable.
Occasional Use of Your Blazers:
While blazers can 💸 be used during both formal and informal occasions, the color, cut, and accessories you pick all affect the overall visual 💸 appearance. Lighter colors work wonders in casual settings, while the signature navy blue lends an air of formality for semi-formal 💸 events or work functions.
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