Researches in various parts of the world are being conducted to understand the factors that interfere in the international success of Elite Sports (ES).
In this context, the Information Management (IM) becomes strategic so that the sports organizations can take advantage of the data and the processes that involve the success in sport management.
However, little was developed to establish information management models that continuously monitor the Brazilian ES.
The objective of this study, therefore, is to construct a model for the management of ES information in Brazil.
Through a combination of methods, the study consisted of four phases: (1) survey and analysis of methods to systematize of sport information - to identify the fundamental elements for sports success and to review the methods to systematize information of the ES; (2) pilot study - to develop the method of collecting, cataloging and systematizing ES information in Brazil; (3) construction of the ES information management model using an entity-relationship model (ERM) for computerized management of sports data; (4) validation of the management model, through the judgment of an experts committee.
The results revealed that in 29 nations studies have been developed to systematize sport information and to know the elements that interfere in the success of the ES.
The study of the scope of these elements resulted in the selection of ten dimensions for collecting and cataloging Brazilian ES information in a MySQL Database (DB), modeled with the objective of allowing the articulation between the dimensions The elimination of redundancies and the construction of the ERM, the standardization and categorization of the terms allowed the construction of an information management model of the ES that allows continuous updating dimensions and information mapped, composed of eight dimensions: Financial Resources; Sports Infrastructure; Sports Materials; Entities and Governance; Athletes and Sport Professionals; Events and Sport Results; Science and Technology; Legislation.
The model uses the principles of Business Intelligence (BI) and a database that can be continuously adapted to different factors, contexts, and sports.
It is a digital repository of information composed of 75 tables, divided into nine sets that are articulated through 185 relationships, allowing to produce analyzes, reports and indicators of intra or interdimensional form and uni or multisport.
This model allows information crossing and presentation of simultaneous responses of athletes, entities, sports, their evidence and data that involve financing, infrastructure, and other dimensions.
It was concluded that this study innovates when using the success factors to establish a computerized information management model of the ES, which can be implemented in a country or an entity.
By inserting business intelligence into sports management, this work provides the most important information for decision-making by managers, can qualify the policies and contribute to efficient communication between different sports entities....