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If playing with deep stacks (150bb+) makes you feel anxious or confused, this article

will make your life easier.

You’re about ⚽️ to learn how to:

Adjust your preflop bet

sizing when deep stacked.

Choose the correct hands to 3-bet and 4-bet when deep

⚽️ stacked.

Adjust your postflop game plan when deep stacked.

Let’s dive in!

What is Deep

Stack Poker?

A deep stack can refer to having ⚽️ a large stack in a cash game, typically

more than 100 big blinds, as well as to a tournament with ⚽️ a starting stack that is

relatively high when compared to the blinds and antes. Thus, these tournaments are

oftentimes referred ⚽️ to as deep stack tournaments.

Preflop Bet Sizings

When it comes to

open-raising preflop, your sizings should remain the same as when ⚽️ you’re playing 100

big blinds deep. If you normally raise to 2.5 big blinds, raise to 2.5 big blinds. If

⚽️ you normally raise to 4 big blinds, raise to 4 big blinds. And so on.

Your 3-bet sizes

should be a ⚽️ little bigger when you’re in position. When you are the 3-bettor in

position, you will have a huge advantage throughout ⚽️ the hand because you always get to

act last. This situation will be very hard for your opponent to navigate ⚽️ postflop.


3-bet sizes should be a little bigger when out of position. If your opponent with a 200

big blind ⚽️ stack is opening to 2.5 big blinds, for example, then making it 10 or 11 big

blinds instead of the ⚽️ more standard 9 big blinds is a good adjustment.

The same

concepts hold true when 4-betting.

Note: Want to upgrade your poker ⚽️ skills? Get free

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3-Betting Ranges

When you 3-bet ⚽️ in position, you don’t need to change your range

at all. It’s your out of position opponent that has to ⚽️ make big adjustments.

When you

3-bet out of position, however, you need to make some changes to your 3-betting


First, it ⚽️ makes sense to polarize your range more since you are using a larger

3-bet size and you should avoid getting ⚽️ into super big pots with your medium-strength


You should also 3-bet with more suited connectors to better your range’s board

⚽️ coverage. This makes life a lot easier on board runouts that are disadvantageous for

your typical 3-betting range. You don’t ⚽️ want to be forced to call off 200 big blinds on

the river with an overpair because it’s the top ⚽️ of your range on a 6♦ 5♣ 2♠ T♦ 3♣

board. 3-betting with suited connectors becomes a viable adjustment to ⚽️ avoid this and

similar problems.

Suited Ax hands remain just as, if not more valuable because they can

win extremely big ⚽️ pots in flush vs flush situations. So, you should happily continue to

3-bet with them.

Note: According to the Poker Snowie ⚽️ solver, you can still use the same

3-betting range at 100 big blinds and 300+ big blinds deep. The stack ⚽️ depth doesn’t

make a big difference in Poker Snowie’s preflop solutions. From a human player’s point

of view, however, you ⚽️ will probably find it easier to tighten up to avoid making

mistakes in tough spots.

4-Betting Ranges

When it comes to your ⚽️ 4-betting ranges, you

don’t have to raise light for value. This is true for both in position and out of

⚽️ position, but for different reasons.

When you face a 3-bet in position, you should be

happy to call more often as ⚽️ it puts your opponent into this tough postflop spot

(playing out of position with a high stack-to-pot ratio). Thus, flat-calling ⚽️ the

premium hands worse than KK (QQ, AK) is useful.

When you face a 3-bet out of position,

you want to ⚽️ minimize your disadvantages and protect your ranges. Thus flat-calling the

premium hands worse than KK (QQ, AK) is best.

You can ⚽️ also make a case for flatting AA

and KK, depending on how deep you actually are and how aggressive your ⚽️ opponent will

play postflop. You should be less likely to 4-bet AA and KK as you get deeper and

against ⚽️ aggressive players who will pile chips into the pot postflop.



The biggest postflop adjustment should be made when you’re in ⚽️ a 3-bet pot as

the preflop raiser out of position. This is the most important deep stack adjustment

because this ⚽️ is where the biggest stack-to-pot ratio change occurs.

Since you’re so

much deeper in these pots, you need to play a ⚽️ slightly more defensive strategy. This

means you’ll have to do more checking, more calling, less betting, and less

check-raising. This ⚽️ will be an especially valuable adjustment against aggressive

opponents that will relentlessly attack your perceived capped ranges.

In the other

postflop ⚽️ spots, like 4-bet pots or 3-bet pots in position as the preflop raiser, your

strategy shouldn’t change much at all.

Final ⚽️ Thoughts

Playing deep stacked can be

daunting, but it can also be a walk in the park depending on how you ⚽️ set yourself up

from preflop. By making the adjustments discussed here, you will be able to navigate

with confidence and ⚽️ put your opponents in tougher spots.

That’s all for this article! I

hope you enjoyed it and that you’ve found it ⚽️ useful.

Want more? Read The Only Two

Reasons to Bet in Poker (Every Other Reason is Wrong).

Till’ next time, good luck,

⚽️ grinders!

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Apostas Esportivas: Tudo Sobre Bet Futebol Ao Vivo e Spreads no Brasil

No Brasil, o mundo das apostas esportivas, especialmente no futebol, tem crescido exponencialmente. Nesse cenário, termos como"bet futebol ao vivo"e"spreads"são cada vez mais frequentes, seja em carioca betfair 2024 ao vivo conversas entre amigos, nas casas de apostas ou mesmo em carioca betfair 2024 ao vivo anúncios online.

Mas o que realmente significa"bet futebol ao vivo"? E o que é um "spread" no mundo das apostas? Nesse artigo, abordaremos esses temas, fornecendo exemplos e dicas de como fazer suas apostas com mais segurança e responsabilidade.

A importância do Bet Futebol Ao Vivo

No contexto brasileiro,"bet futebol ao vivo"pode ser traduzido como "apostas ao vivo de futebol". Isso significa que os usuários podem fazer suas apostas enquanto assistem a um jogo ao vivo.

Os sites de apostas geralmente disponibilizam um feed ao vivo com estatísticas atualizadas e informações sobre o jogo. Isso permite que os usuários tenham acesso a informações importantes e atualizadas, o que pode influenciar carioca betfair 2024 ao vivo decisão de apostar.

Compreendendo os Spreads

"Spreads"são uma forma popular de apostas, particularmente no beisebol, com o"spread"padrão sendo "-1.5". O"spread"representa o número de pontos que um time precisa vencer ou perder para que uma aposta seja consideradavencedora.

  • +1.5spread: significa que a equipe dounderdogdeve vencer a partida ou perder por apenas1 ponto.
  • -1.5spread: significa que a equipefavoritadeve vencer porpelo menos 2 pontos.

No mundo dobet futebol ao vivo, é fundamental ter clareza sobre osspreadse como eles podem impactar suas apostas.

Dicas Finais para Apostar no Futebol ao Vivo

  • Faça suas apostas nas melhores casas de apostas certificadas do Brasil.
  • Mantenha umcontrole financeirodas suas apostas, decidindo antecipadamente quanto deseja apostar.
  • Fique atento aos ```python spreads