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fake reviews and other content. We may have a bias in what we write about, but we read and try to make our own opinion as accurate as possible. We are not a credit provider, and do not provide any "free" advice. We work hard to keep our site up and running. If you find an issue with our site or the content of the pages on it, please let us know. We'd love to hear from you. Please write to us at: The owner of this website, the Credit Crunch Team, works for a financial company, which provides services to consumers, in order to help them get back on track with their finances. The owner of this website, the Credit Crunch Team, works for a financial company, which provides services to consumers, in order to help them get back on track with their finances. topic:fake reviews article: The UK is one of a handful of countries where fake reviews can be reported online for copyright infringement. The practice is illegal in most cases, but it is not unheard of. "If you are a blogger, and someone comes to you with a complaint that they think is fake, there are a lot of ways you can resolve it," says Matthew McGeown, chief executive of the non-profit site Publishers Weekly. "It is a grey area in the US, where there is a little bit more of a grey area," he adds. McGeown was unaware of any cases where UK bloggers were accused of copyright infringement. But the practice is common enough for the UK-based site P2P Review to be a regular source of complaints. Fake reviews: How easy is it to get a bad review? How easy is it to fake reviews? How easy is it to fake reviews? How easy is it to fake reviews? How easy is it to fake reviews? How easy is it to fake reviews? How easy is it to fake reviews? How easy is it to fake reviews? How easy is it to fake reviews? How easy is it to fake reviews? How easy is it to fake reviews? How easy is it to fake reviews? How easy is it to fake reviews? How easy is it to fake reviews? How easy is it to fake reviews? How easy is it to fake reviews? How easy is it to fake reviews? How easy is it to fake reviews? How easy is it to fake reviews? How easy is it to fake reviews? How easy is it to fake reviews? How easy is it to fake reviews? How easy is it to fake reviews?

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