The icon for Poki
Poki is a currency in Animal Crossing: New Horizons – Happy Home
Paradise that is used exclusively 💹 on the expansion's archipelago to buy items in the
Paradise Planning building, Wardell's catalog, the café, and the apparel shop. 💹 Lottie
pays the player Poki each time they design a vacation home. The player's salary
increases the more the player's 💹 status grows. Additionally, the player receives 25,000
Poki each time a facility is built or expanded and 10,000 Poki for 💹 remodeling a
vacation home.
In comparison to Bells, Poki are 90% of the price of Bells, but are
rounded differently depending 💹 on two conditions:[1]
If the original price in Bells is
1,111 Bells or less, the Poki buy price is rounded to 💹 the nearest multiple of 10.
Bells or less, the Poki buy price is rounded to the nearest multiple of 10. 💹 If the
original price in Bells is 1,112 Bells or more, the Poki buy price is rounded to the
nearest 💹 multiple of 100.
Player salary [ edit ]
Rank Salary Requirements - 6,000 Poki
Complete 1 housing request Promising Designer 9,000 Poki 💹 Complete 6 housing requests
Breakout Designer 12,000 Poki Complete 13 housing requests Famous Designer 15,000 Poki
Complete 19 housing requests 💹 Superstar Designer 20,000 Poki Complete 19 housing
requests and earn a rank of 84 Legendary Designer 30,000 Poki Complete 19 💹 housing
requests and earn a rank of 119 GOAT Designer 40,000 Poki Complete 19 housing requests
and earn a rank 💹 of 146
Exchange rate [ edit ]
Accessing the Automated Bell and Poki
After completing 23 vacation homes and visiting the Paradise 💹 Planning office
on two separate days, Lottie will introduce the player to the Automated Bell and Poki
Dispenser, in which 💹 the player can deposit or withdraw Poki. The AB&PD will also allow
exchange rates between 100 Poki and a random 💹 number of Bells. The player can exchange
Bells for Poki for up to 30,000 Bells and up to 15,000 Poki 💹 for Bells each day.
following exchange rates are possible to obtain per day.[1]
% 100 Poki = 100 Bells = 6%
💹 333 Bells 30 Poki 322 Bells 31 Poki 312 Bells 32 Poki 303 Bells 33 Poki 294 Bells 34
Poki 💹 285 Bells 35 Poki 5% 277 Bells 36 Poki 270 Bells 37 Poki 263 Bells 38 Poki 256
Bells 39 💹 Poki 250 Bells 40 Poki 243 Bells 41 Poki 238 Bells 42 Poki 232 Bells 43 Poki
227 Bells 44 💹 Poki 222 Bells 45 Poki 3% 217 Bells 46 Poki 212 Bells 47 Poki 208 Bells 48
Poki 204 Bells 💹 49 Poki 2% 200 Bells 50 Poki
See also [ edit ]
References [ edit ]