Originally Posted by doctor877
Not really no, to both posts.
It's more of a realization
issue than a balance or range disadvantage 😊 issue (yeah these boards might hit ip
callers range more on certain boards, but the same thing also happens BvB 😊 where IP
certainly doesn't have stronger range).
Think it like this, when the board is dynamic,
getting the non 100% equity 😊 value bets in on previous street is not all that cool, when
the texture will very often change the relative 😊 strength of your valuehand and turn ok
valuehand into a bluffcatcher.
So like lets say you have a valuehand, that can 😊 bet flop
with 80% vs calling range, and a brick turn with 70% vs calling range. So we are
valuebetting 😊 2 streets, yes. But the realization of our "valuebets" suck so much. You
make a valuebet OTF with good equity, 😊 but like depending on the exact board texture,
the "real equity" vs flop calling range might only just be like 😊 50-60% due to getting
****ed up on so many turns + rivers and ending up to play a bluffcatcher in 😊 a bloated
pot. So against a good villains that will make you pay on turns+rivers that change the
handstrengths, making 😊 thin valuebets on earlier streets is not all that good, because
when the boardtexture changes, our OOP range gets totally 😊 ****ed, and we end up with
big range disadvantage, needing to check a lot and thus not easily realize the 😊 equity
of our bluffcatchers.