On 25 May 2024, Horror moved to a higher position on the Freeview guide, by way of switching positions with sibling CBS Justice. On 30 June 2024 the Horror Channel revised, with the core of the schedule, including series, running on the new channel Legend, which replaced CBS Justice as an entertainment channel.
If a player pockets both his last ball and the opponent's last ball correctly in one shot, the executing player wins the game. There are no called safeties or safety shots. If a ball is pocketed in the correct pocket, the player must continue his shot. Jump cues are not allowed in One Pocket.
Causing movement of the cue ball, even accidentally, is a foul. It is not a foul to accidentally move any other balls (including the 8-ball) unless, while shooting, a player moves a ball and in tum strikes the cue ball. Even dropping the chalk on the cue ball is a foul.