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He told me he thought I would come home and sleep in my car, and he didn't tell me that I had to come home. I told him I was going to sleep in the back of the car. He said it was the best thing for me to do and he said he would stay up late, so I said, "You have to go. I love you". He told me he would be fine, and I told him it was the best thing for me. I said that he would leave. He said that he would leave, but I told him he had to leave. I told him that I wanted to come back home to spend more time with him. He said he would come back home to spend more time with me. We had a good time, and he agreed. He said he would come back home. We had a good time together. He told me that he was happy. He said he was happy with me. He told me he was happy. He told me he was going to sleep in the back of the car. He said he wanted to stay up late, and I told him I wanted to leave. He said he would stay up late. 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