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Deep Dive #1

Hold'em No Limit

Hero raises toR$0.15

2 players fold

1 fold



(2 players)

SB betsR$0.25

Hero raises toR$0.60

(2 players)



SB folds

Broad Strategy View

Hand ⚽️ Specific View

I want to look at

the following hand through two different lenses.1) Through the lense of broader

strategy. With ⚽️ regard to minimum defensefrequency and dividing my whole range I am

playing in this spot in different partsfor different actions.2) ⚽️ Through a hand specific

lense. What is best with this certain hand in thissituation, vs the estimated range of

Villain.PokerStars,-R$0.02/$0.05 ⚽️ - 5 playersUTG (Hero):R$11.96 (239 bb)CO:R$3.37 (67

bb)BU:R$17.41 (348 bb)SB:R$4.29 (86 bb)BB:R$5.00 (100 bb)($0.07) Hero is UTG with J, SB

⚽️ callsR$0.13,($0.35) ASB checks,($0.35) K, SB callsR$0.35($1.55) JSB checks,$1.55

(Rake:R$0.06)UTG (Hero) winsR$1.49My standard opening range from HJ on a table like

⚽️ this, where there is noclear reason for adjustments looks like

this66+,A2s+,KTs+,QTs+,JTs,T9s,98s,87s,ATo+,KJo+First problem I have in this hand is

estimating SB's ⚽️ calling range.For an opponent who also 3bets some I came up with

this:JJ-77, AQs-A9s, KTs+, QTs+, JTs, T9s, 98s, AQo-ATo, ⚽️ KJo+, QJoWith the flop coming

AI want to figure out, which parts of my rangeI want to bet and which ⚽️ parts I want to

check.Genreally my approach is betting the strongest hands, hands that have equityon

the flop but need ⚽️ a ton of protection and my weakest hands which still have some

equity.I figured looking at our equity heatmap might ⚽️ be interestingAfter looking at the

heatmap, I came up with this plan for betting and checkingwith our range:red =

betting88-66, ⚽️ AdAh, AdAc, AhAc, ThTs, ThTc, TsTc, AdKd, AhKh, AcKc, AdQd, AhQh, AcQc,

KcQc, AdJd, AhJh, AcJc, KcJc, QdJd, QsJs, QcJc, ⚽️ AhTh, AcTc, KcTc, Ah9h, Ah8h, Ah7h,

Ah6h, Ah5h, Ad4d, Ah4h, Ah3h, Ah2h, KJo, AdKh, AdKs, AdKc, AhKd, AhKs, AhKc, AcKd,

⚽️ AcKh, AcKs, AdQh, AdQs, AdQc, AhQd, AhQs, AhQc, AcQd, AcQh, AcQs, AdJh, AdJs, AdJc,

AhJd, AhJs, AhJc, AcJd, AcJh, AcJs, ⚽️ AdTh, AdTs, AdTc, AhTs, AhTc, AcTh, AcTsother =

checkingKK-JJ, 99, 98s, 87s, KdQd, KhQh, KsQs, KdJd, KhJh, KsJs, QhJh, KhTh, ⚽️ KsTs,

QhTh, QsTs, QcTc, JhTh, JsTs, JcTc, Ad9d, Ac9c, Th9h, Ts9s, Tc9c, Ad8d, Ac8c, Ad7d,

Ac7c, Ad6d, Ac6c, Ad5d, Ac5c, ⚽️ Ad3d, Ac3c, Ad2d, Ac2c, KQoSo we would bet 59% and check

41% of our range.As you can see, JJ would ⚽️ be in the checking range, so I'm fine with my

in game decision.Other reasons are, that it is probably pretty ⚽️ close on a broadway

heavy rainbow board to get a value bet vs Villains calling range.Depending on what he

continues ⚽️ with we have at max 52% equity vs hiscontinuing range.Other than that, if we

get x/r'ed there is probably no ⚽️ way to continue andVillain would be able to deny us all

of our equity.Turn comes the KNot to good for ⚽️ our checking range on the flop as we lose

as massive amounton this turn card.Villain bets 71% pot so we ⚽️ have a MDF of 41%.So

looking at our heatmap again to construct raising, calling and folding ranges.Could

come up with ⚽️ a plan like thisred = raiseKdKh, KdKs, KhKs, QhJh, Ac9c, Ac8c, Ac7c, Ac6c,

Ac5c, Ac3c, Ac2cbrown = callQQ, KdQd, KhQh, ⚽️ KsQs, KdJd, KhJh, KsJs, KhTh, KsTs, Ad9d,

Ad8d, Ad7d, Ad6d, Ad5d, Ad3d, Ad2d, KdQh, KdQs, KdQc, KhQd, KhQs, KhQc, KsQd, ⚽️ KsQh,

KsQcblue = foldJJ, 99, 98s, 87s, QhTh, QsTs, QcTc, JhTh, JsTs, JcTc, Th9h, Ts9s,

Tc9cThis would leave me at ⚽️ 64% of my range I am defending but with card removal effects

this hits exactly 41%.So from the lense of ⚽️ broader strategy, calling JJ here is

probably a mistake.Nothing to add, still a standard open from this position.If I would

⚽️ bet on this flop, which part of Villains range would call a bet?This is something I'm

still struggling with, but ⚽️ let's give it a try.yellow = callJdJc, ThTs, ThTc, TsTc,

KQs, AdQd, AhQh, AcQc, AdJd, AcJc, KdJd, KcJc, QdJd, QcJc, ⚽️ AhTh, AcTc, KhTh, KsTs,

KcTc, QhTh, QsTs, QcTc, JcTc, Ad9d, Ah9h, Ac9c, Th9h, Ts9s, Tc9c, KQo, AdQh, AdQs,

AdQc, AhQd, ⚽️ AhQs, AhQc, AcQd, AcQh, AcQs, AdJc, AhJd, AhJc, AcJd, AdTh, AdTs, AdTc,

AhTs, AhTc, AcTh, AcTs, KdJc, KhJd, KhJc, KsJd, ⚽️ KsJc, KcJd, QdJc, QhJd, QhJc, QsJd,

QsJc, QcJdI guess he calls all TPs, Ts, GS and JJ and gets rid ⚽️ of under pockets and

98s. I hope this is reasonable.Vs this range we do clearly not have a value bet ⚽️ w/ JJ

as we only have 44% equity.So I guess check is the best option. Also we do have a

⚽️ decent amount of showdown value and depending on T and R we might be able to get to SD

ahead ⚽️ and don't want to overplay this hand.The K on the turn helps him immensly. Also I

think he could take ⚽️ a stab at the pot with close to his entire range.We do have 6 outs

vs his pairs and two ⚽️ pairs and sets of TT and 3 to chop if he holds QJ (which we

block).I'm really kind of lost ⚽️ in this spot, don't know if we can call or it's always a

fold. But I'm pretty sure that raising ⚽️ is not the best option.Problem with raising is,

that we isolate ourself vs his better hands.This is what I see ⚽️ him calling

definitely:brown = callThTs, ThTc, TsTc, QdJd, QcJc, AhTh, AcTc, KhTh, KsTs, AdTh,

AdTs, AdTc, AhTs, AhTc, AcTh, AcTs, ⚽️ QdJc, QhJd, QhJc, QsJd, QsJc, QcJdThis is what he

could call if he is not only calling two pair+ThTs, ThTc, ⚽️ TsTc, AdQd, AhQh, AcQc, KdQd,

KhQh, KsQs, AdJd, AcJc, KdJd, QdJd, QcJc, AhTh, AcTc, KhTh, KsTs, Ad9d, Ah9h, Ac9c,

AdQh, ⚽️ AdQs, AdQc, AhQd, AhQs, AhQc, AcQd, AcQh, AcQs, AdJc, AhJd, AhJc, AcJd, AdTh,

AdTs, AdTc, AhTs, AhTc, AcTh, AcTs, KdQh, ⚽️ KdQs, KdQc, KhQd, KhQs, KhQc, KsQd, KsQh,

KsQc, KdJc, KhJd, KhJc, KsJd, KsJc, QdJc, QhJd, QhJc, QsJd, QsJc, QcJdAgainst either

⚽️ continuing range we're crushed. In the first case we would at least have enough FE, but

I doubt that he ⚽️ calls that tight on my (too) small raise.Rivering a set usually is

nice. But here there is just no way ⚽️ we do have a value bet against his calling range.We

do not even have a value bet against his whole ⚽️ range OTR.So I guess the best play would

have been to check behind and get to SD withthe best hand ⚽️ a good amount of the

time.Played it right on 50% of the street.Bad play on Turn and River, just got

⚽️ lucky.Gotta think more about why I'm betting ingame and about if I have value FEor

whatever to justify my bets.Also ⚽️ gotta do some serious work on bet sizes. Just a mess

at the moment.I know it's a wall of text ⚽️ and probably pretty convoluted, but I wanted

to share with you how I work through a hand if I really ⚽️ think about it in depth.Maybe

someone spots some logic flaws or misconceptions, then I'd be more than happy if you

⚽️ call me out.(wouldn't be suprised if nobody wants to read that much text thoughNow on

to the review of yesterdays ⚽️ session and then to the tables.See yall and GL

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Onabet 2% Creme é um medicamento antifúngico usadopara tratar infecções fúngicas do peles. Funciona matando o fungo que causa infecções como pé de atleta, Dhobie Itch, candidíase, micose e seco, escamoso. pele.
Onabet SD Solution é um medicamento antifúngico que é usado parapara tratar infecções fúngicas como pé de atleta (infecção entre dedos), Jock coceira ( infecção da área da virilha), micose e seco, escamosa peles. Dá o relevo da dor, vermelhidão, pr comichão na área afetada e acelera a cura. processo.

Introdução ao clotrimazole

Clotrimazole é uma ccrême anti-fungica usada para tratar infecções fúngicas na pele. Normalmente, leva cerca de 7 dias ⭕️ de tratamento de clotrimazole para ver melhora nas infecções fúngicas. A aplicação deve ser feita na área afetada e nos ⭕️ arredores, duas a três vezes ao dia, durante pelo menos 2 semanas. Nunca se use clotrimazole creme, spray ou solução ⭕️ por mais de 4 semanas, a menos que o médico indique o contrário.

Abaixo, explicaremos detalhadamente como utilizar o clotrimazole para ⭕️ ganhar na plataforma Onabet.

Quando e onde usar o clotrimazole para ganhar na Onabet

O clotrimazole deve ser usado sempre que seus ⭕️ desenvolvedores recomendarem durante seus jogos na plataforma Onabet. Normalmente, um pequeno camada deve ser aplicado na área afetada e em ⭕️ pequenas quantidades ao redor.