Série com Parapente - Series with Paragliding - paraglidingé 10-05-2008 422
A Text, in english, from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Paragliding is a recreational and competitive flying sport.
A paraglider is a free-flying, foot-launched aircraft.
The pilot sits in a harness suspended below a fabric wing, whose shape is formed by the pressure of air entering vents in the front of the wing.
n 1954, Walter Neumark predicted (in an article in Flight magazine) a time when a glider pilot would be "able to launch himself by running over the edge of a cliff or down a slope .
whether on a rock-climbing holiday in Skye or ski-ing in the Alps".[1]
In 1961, the French engineer Pierre Lemoigne produced improved parachute designs which led to the Para-Commander ('PC'), which had cut-outs at the rear and sides which enabled it to be towed into the air and steered – leading to parasailing/parascending.
Sometimes credited with the greatest development in parachutes since Leonardo da Vinci, the American Domina Jalbert invented in 1964 the Parafoil which had sectioned cells in an aerofoil shape; an open leading edge and a closed trailing edge, inflated by passage through the air – the ram-air design.[2]
Meanwhile, David Barish was developing the Sail Wing for recovery of NASA space capsules – "slope soaring was a way of testing out .
the Sail Wing".
[3] After tests on Hunter Mountain, New York in September 1965, he went on to promote 'slope soaring' as a summer activity for ski resorts (apparently without great success).
[4] NASA originated the term 'paraglider' in the early 1960's, and 'paragliding' was first used in the early 1970's to describe foot-launching of gliding parachutes.
Author Walter Neumark wrote Operating Procedures for Ascending Parachutes, and he and a group of enthusiasts with a passion for tow-launching 'PCs' and ram-air parachutes eventually broke away from the British Parachute Association to form the British Association of Parascending Clubs (BAPC) in 1973.
These threads were pulled together in June 1978 by three friends Jean-Claude Bétemps, André Bohn and Gérard Bosson from Mieussy Haute-Savoie, France.
After inspiration from an article on 'slope soaring' in the Parachute Manual magazine by parachutist & publisher Dan Poynter,[5] they calculated that on a suitable slope, a 'square' ram-air parachute could be inflated by running down the slope; Bétemps launched from Pointe du Pertuiset, Mieussy, and flew 100 m.
Bohn followed him and glided down to the football pitch in the valley 1000 metres below.
[6] 'Parapente' (pente being French for slope) was born.
Through the 1980's and since, it has been a story of constantly improving equipment and ever greater numbers of paragliding pilots.
The first World Championship was held in Kössen, Austria in 1989.
he paraglider wing or canopy is known in aeronautical engineering as a ram-air airfoil, or parafoil.
Such wings comprise two layers of fabric which are connected to internal supporting material in such a way as to form a row of cells.
By leaving most of the cells open only at the leading edge, incoming air (ram-air pressure) keeps the wing inflated, thus maintaining its shape.
When inflated, the wing's cross-section has the typical teardrop aerofoil shape.
The pilot is supported underneath the wing by a network of lines.
The lines are gathered into two sets as left and right risers.
The risers collect the lines in rows from front to back in either 3 or 4 rows.
The risers are connected to the pilot's harness by two carabiners.
Paraglider wings typically have an area of 20-35 m² with a span of 8–12 m, and weigh 3–7 kg.
Combined weight of wing, harness, reserve, instruments, helmet, etc.is around 12–18 kg.
The glide ratio of paragliders ranges from 8:1 for recreational wings, to about 11:1 for modern competition models.
For comparison, a typical skydiving parachute will achieve about 3:1 glide.
A hang glider will achieve about 15:1 glide.
An idling (gliding) Cessna 152 will achieve 9:1.
Some sailplanes can achieve a glide ratio of up to 60:1.
The speed range of paragliders is typically 20–50 km/h (12-30 mph), from stall speed to maximum speed.
Beginner wings will be in the lower part of this range, high-performance wings in the upper part of the range.
The range for safe flying will be somewhat smaller.
Modern paraglider wings are made of high-performance non-porous fabrics such as Porcher Sport & Gelvenor, with Dyneema/Spectra or Kevlar/Aramid lines.
For storage and carrying, the wing is usually folded into a rucksack (bag), which can then be stowed in a large backpack along with the harness.
For pilots who may not want the added weight or fuss of a backpack, the harness itself can be used to carry the wing, though this is less comfortable, and thus less favorable for longer hikes.
In this case the wing (within the rucksack) is buckled into the harness seat, which is then slung over the shoulders.
Recent developments in light-weight harness design include the ability to turn the harness inside out such that it becomes the backpack, thus removing the need for a second storage system.
Tandem paragliders, designed to carry the pilot and one passenger, are larger but otherwise similar.
They usually fly faster with higher trim speeds, are more resistant to collapse, and have a slightly higher sink rate compared to solo paragliders.
The pilot is loosely and comfortably buckled into a harness which offers support in both the standing and sitting positions.
Modern harnesses are designed to be as comfortable as a lounge chair in the sitting position.
Many harnesses even have an adjustable 'lumbar support'.
A reserve parachute is also typically connected to a paragliding harness.
Parachutes, including skydiving canopies, are generally used for descending, such as jumping out of an aircraft or for dropping cargo; while paragliders are generally used for ascending.
Paragliders are categorized as "ascending parachutes" by canopy manufacturers worldwide, and are designed for "free flying" meaning flight without a tether (for tethered flight amusement, see parasailing).
However, in areas without high launch points, paragliders may be towed aloft by a ground vehicle or a stationary winch, after which they are released, creating much the same effect as a mountain launch.
Such tethered launches can give a paraglider pilot a higher starting point than many mountains do, offering similar opportunity to catch thermals and to remain airborne by "thermaling" and other forms of lift.
As free flight, paragliding requires the significant skill and training required for aircraft control, including aeronautical theory, meteorological knowledge and forecasting, personal/emotional safety considerations, adherence to applicable Federal Aviation Regulations (US), and knowledge of equipment care and maintenance.
Most pilots use varios and radios when flying; some more advanced pilots also use GPS units.
Birds are highly sensitive to atmospheric pressure, and can tell when they are in rising or sinking air.
People can sense the acceleration when they first hit a thermal, but cannot detect the difference between constant rising air and constant sinking air, so turn to technology to help.
A variometer indicates climb-rate (or sink-rate) with audio signals (beeps which increase in pitch and tempo as you accelerate upwards and a droning sound which gets deeper as your descent rate increases) and/or a visual display.
It also shows altitude: either above takeoff, above sea level, or (at higher altitudes) "flight level".
The main purpose of a variometer is in helping a pilot find and stay in the "core" of a thermal to maximise height gain, and conversely indicating when he or she is in sinking air, and needs to find rising air.
The more advanced variometers have an integrated GPS.
This is not only more convenient, but also allows to record the flight in three dimensions.
The track of the flight is digitally signed, stored and can be downloaded after the landing.
Digitally signed tracks can be used as proof for record claims, replacing the 'old' method of photo documentation.
Control:Speedbar mechanism.
Brakes: Controls held in each of the pilot's hands connect to the trailing edge of the left and right sides of the wing.
These controls are called 'brakes' and provide the primary and most general means of control in a paraglider.
The brakes are used to adjust speed, to steer (in addition to weight-shift), and flare (during landing).
Weight Shift: In addition to manipulating the brakes, a paraglider pilot must also lean in order to steer properly.
Such 'weight-shifting' can also be used for more limited steering when brake use is unavailable, such as when under 'big ears' (see below).
More advanced control techniques may also involve weight-shifting.
Speed Bar: A kind of foot control called the 'speed bar' (also 'accelerator') attaches to the paragliding harness and connects to the leading edge of the paraglider wing, usually through a system of at least two pulleys (see animation in margin).
This control is used to increase speed, and does so by decreasing the wing's angle of attack.
This control is necessary because the brakes can only slow the wing from what is called 'trim speed' (no brakes applied).
The accelerator is needed to go faster than this.
More advanced means of control can be obtained by manipulating the paraglider's risers or lines directly:
* Most commonly, the lines connecting to the outermost points of the wing's leading edge can be used to induce the wingtips to fold under.
The technique, known as 'big ears', is used to increase rate of descent (see picture).
* The risers connecting to the rear of the wing can also be manipulated for steering if the brakes have been severed or are otherwise unavailable.
* In a 'B-line stall', the second set of risers from the leading-edge/front is gently pulled down to put a crease in the upper surface of the wing.
This destroys the laminar flow of air over the aerofoil, dramatically reducing the lift produced by the canopy, thus inducing a higher rate of descent.
Another text, in english, from the addrees www.alpsurf.com/paraglidinge.htm
Paraglider flies is the simplest type to regard the world from the bird perspective some steps a gently bent slope down and already overcome pilot and passenger the force of gravity and to float of it.
Our professional pilots are extremely qualified and possess a special pilot banknote, which permits it to them to offer paraglider of passenger flights.
Texto, em português, do site "O radical", que pode ser visto no endereço: oradical.uol.com.
O parapente é um esporte que mistura toda a adrenalina com a tranqüilidade, em uma sintonia perfeita.
É uma modalidade na qual o piloto e o parapente entram em total sintonia com a natureza.
A principal recomendação do paraglidingé respeitar todas as normas de segurança.
Dessa maneira você poderá desfilar pelos ares sem a menor preocupação.
A história do esporte está diretamente relacionada com a conquista do espaço.
É que os primeiros modelos de parapente foram confeccionados especialmente para as espaçonaves norte-americanas.
Hoje o esporte é praticado por mais de 100 mil pessoas em todo o mundo.
O Brasil ocupa atualmente a 7ª colocação do ranking.
Existem escolas especializadas no parapente que oferecem toda a infra-estrutura necessária para quem quer iniciar no esporte.
Além do curso preparatório que é obrigatório, você terá acesso ao equipamento, entre outros.
Antes de comprar seu equipamento faça um salto em dupla com outro atleta.
A partir daí, você vai descobrir se o parapente é seu esporte ou não.
O parapente foi desenvolvido inicialmente para a utilização das espaçonaves do Projeto Apolo, pela Nasa.
O sucesso foi tão grande que logo a descoberta tomou conta da cabeça da população.
O equipamento de parapente apresenta algumas características diferentes dos outros esportes, sendo basicamente composto de quatro itens: o velame, o selete, o pára-quedas de emergência e o capacete.
O velame constitui a maior parte do equipamento e, é dividido em três partes: a vela, a linha e os tirantes.
A vela é feita de um tipo de nylon especial e funciona como uma asa.
Uma de suas características principais é a resistência e a deformação, ou seja, o tecido muda de forma, alterando as características originais do parapente.
O Selete funciona como um casulo e é onde o atleta fica durante o vôo.
É importante que seja ajustada a cada piloto, pois seu conforto depende disso.
Para casos de emergência utiliza-se um para-quedas.
Ele está acoplado o Selete e só é utilizado caso aconteça algo de muito grave.
Os melhores locais para a prática do parapente são as regiões com climas secos, pois o atleta poderá ter um maior aproveitamento das correntes de ar.
As regiões litorâneas com montanhas ao redor também oferecem excelentes condições.
O estado de Minas Gerais, juntamente com São Paulo e Rio de Janeiro são os lugares que apresentam o maior desenvolvimento do esporte.
A Serra da Mantiqueira, com casas apostas 2024 variedade de picos é o local ideal para todo aventureiro.