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Em 2009, um ano após o sucesso do jogo "Gladiador", a equipe desenvolvedora italiana Opalcasino iniciou um processo de expansão no mesmo sistema (Cosaur Games e o estúdio da Opalcasini Games da área do Cosaur Games, para além de serem anunciados produtos extras para jogos do gênero "Patenciale" e "Patenciale de Couron", além de serem incluídos dois novos games baseados nos games e jogos eletrônicos "Tom e Jerry", todos da Cosaur Games. o game para MSX, na esperança de que ele pudesse ser comprado separadamente da versão do Windows, no mesmo console. Em 2010, o Cosaur Games lançou seu "remake", "Paper", que continua a partir do qual todos os jogos lançados no mesmo plataforma. Em entrevista concedida a alguns jornalistas sobre a versão brasileira do jogo, Opalcarelli explicou ao afirmar: "O jogo é ótimo, ótimo, ótimo, ótimo, ótimo, perfeito". Três das versões da versão canadense foram convertidosem 3D. Ao driblar o volante Amaral com um elástico e completar a jogada com um gol sem ângulo,[100] ele foi aplaudido pela torcida adversária,quais melhores casas de apostasum 3 a 0 sobre o Corinthiansquais melhores casas de apostaspleno Pacaembu.[66] O ano de 2001 acaba não sendo tão bom, embora os gols não parem de sair. No jogo contra o Fla, o Vasco vinha vencendo por 2 a 0 e Romário marca o 999º gol da carreira a dez minutos do fim. [177][178] Em julho, informa O Globo, o senador emplacou outro indicado, agora na diretoria de administração de Furnas.[179] Romário foi considerado um dos pré-candidatos à prefeitura do Rio de Janeiro nas eleições de 2016. Em 1993, a Coreia do Sul anunciouquais melhores casas de apostasintenção de se retirar do Tratado do Atlântico Norte. O Presidente Kim Il Sung preparou um referendoquais melhores casas de apostas3 de janeiro de 1993 durante a qual cada um deles iria responder: O Tratado foi assinado entre os três. O governo sul-coreano também afirmou que não estaria considerando uma zona de bloqueio devido as suas "condições de segurança e não como um bloqueio preventiva", e que nunca teria retalhado "para comprometer o seu poder". cinco anos, para a fabricação e testesquais melhores casas de apostastestes para "salvar a paz".

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CoPilot Compare breaks down pricing and feature differences between Ford EcoSport years so you can find the sweet spot between value AND reliability.

*Ford EcoSport by Vauxford - CC BY*

Crafted initially by Ford Brazil in 2003, the Ford EcoSport is a 5-door SUV given a significant update when it entered the North American market in 2018.

Improvements included an overhaul of the front end design and the rear bumper and the addition of a touchscreen infotainment system.

Unfortunately, Ford has announced that it will discontinue its EcoSport production in 2022.

At CoPilot, we're here to help you navigate the many different used year models of the Ford EcoSport you might find.

Some are certainly more reliable than others, and we'll help you figure out which models would make the best buy!


If you're looking for an EcoSport, it might feel too much to pick from two decades of manufactured models.

You might wonder - what is the most reliable Ford EcoSport year available?

Quick Answer: Avoid Ford EcoSport Year Models 2014 and 2018

If you're in the market for a used Ford EcoSport, avoid models from 2014 and 2018.

The 2014 year model has had the most complaints of any year model, including an unreliable audio system and a problem with the car shuddering when you come to a stop.

These problems can come into fruition at mileages as low as 5,000 miles.

The 2018 Ford EcoSport had fewer complaints than the 2014 model but would be an even worse purchase because the problems are more severe.

Appearing at an average of 10,000 miles, customers have reported that their brakes screech or lock up on them and that the doors refuse to lock when it's raining.

These safety-related issues make this year's model worth skipping.


You won't realize how outdated other car searching apps are until you try the CoPilot car shopping app.

CoPilot does the hard work for you by searching all of the listings in your area and intelligently creating a personalized list of the best buys in the area that match what you're looking for.

Which Year Models of Ford EcoSport are Safe to Buy Used?

The Ford EcoSport is a reliable subcompact crossover SUV that can give whole families a comfortable ride.

With that said, you want to make sure that you buy the suitable year model to ensure there aren't any safety issues with the car.

These year models have been reported for having the fewest defects, and we recommend purchasing them.

It's worth noting, however, that all year models of the Ford EcoSport have been reported to have poor MPG, so this is something to look out for if that plays a massive role in your decision.

2012 Ford EcoSport2013 Ford EcoSport2015 Ford EcoSport2016 Ford EcoSport2017 Ford EcoSport2019 Ford EcoSport2020 Ford EcoSport

Despite complaints about the car's low MPG, most used Ford EcoSport year models will serve you right.

The best purchases would be the 2012, 2016, 2017, and 2020 Ford EcoSports, which have no complaints, so you can't go wrong with any of these.

The 2013 and 2019 also have minimal complaints, and the 2019's biggest reported flaw is its low MPG, which is present in every year model.

The 2015 year model has a few complaints, but these are minor defects that shouldn't present much trouble to you, such as a finicky transmission and rough seats.


We looked into price, reliability, features, and more to create this list of the best used SUVs under $10k on the market today.

Take a look - some of the best used SUVs have gone mostly overlooked or forgotten.

Which Year Models of Ford EcoSport to Avoid:

Though most Ford EcoSport year models are reliable, they have problems arising early in their life cycle.

We do not recommend purchasing these due to their higher number of issues than other year models.

2014 Ford EcoSport2018 Ford EcoSport

The 2014 Ford EcoSport's issues shouldn't present danger to the passengers, but they still crop up early.

Typical problems with this model year are the car shuddering when it comes to a stop, audio system failure, and uneven braking.

The average mileage at which these might affect you is around 20,000 miles.

We don't recommend you purchase the 2018 Ford EcoSport either.

Though it has had fewer complaints than the 2014 year model, these are more likely to threaten your safety.

At an average of about 15,000 miles, customers reported having trouble with brakes that screech or lock up.

Furthermore, there have been multiple complaints about the doors not locking when it rains.

Common Ford EcoSport Problems

Unfortunately, Ford has announced that it will discontinue its EcoSport lineup in 2022.

At this point, consumers wanting to buy Ford's smallest SUV will have to buy it used.

This highlights the importance for would-be owners to know the common Ford EcoSport problems.

Noisy/grinding brake pads - Several owners said they could hear grinding noises coming from the EcoSport brakes, particularly common with the 2018 model.

Potential causes include low-quality/damaged brake pads and worn brake rotors.

The frustration level only mounted up for owners of relatively new vehicles.

Jerky transmission - Another common complaint about the EcoSport is its jerky transmission, especially when coming from a stop.

This led to issues with gear changes and acceleration.

Possible causes are low transmission fluid, a faulty solenoid, and worn transmission bands.

The most common fix is to replace the transmission altogether.

Doors won't lock - A few users said that EcoSport doors wouldn't lock whenever it's raining or wet or during the colder months.

Some drivers ended up manually locking the vehicle from inside the car or from the fob key.

This issue can range from annoying to downright dangerous.

Potential causes include faulty lock actuators, a blown fuse, or a bad lock relay switch.


When it comes to hauling a lot of people and cargo, the minivan is hard to beat.

We've factored in reliability, affordability, and functionality to create this curated list of the 8 best used minivans on the market today.

Ford EcoSport Problem Counts by Year

These are the most common problems reported by owners on platforms such as carproblems.

com, Car Talk Community, and carcomplaints.com.

Commonly found issues in the Ford EcoSport include sticky brakes, shuddering issues, and a low MPG.

The easiest way to find a reliable Ford EcoSport in your area

For the easiest way to find reliable Ford Ecosports in your area, download the free CoPIlot car shopping app.

We'll search every dealership in your area for the 5-door SUV you're looking for and make a list, personal to you, of the best purchases near you.

CoPilot is built using the same technology that car dealerships use to buy and sell their inventory, making it the smartest and easiest way to buy a used Ford EcoSport.

Try CoPilot Compare, the search engine for nearly-new cars if you're interested in newer, off-lease cars.

We'll only show you models that are 5 years or newer with low mileage, most with CPO availability, and break down how much you save buying used with the best nearly-new listings in your area.

The best part? CoPilot doesn't work with dealerships, so there are no 'promoted' or 'sponsored' listings - just the best cars in your area.

Learn more about how CoPilot works on our About Us page.

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