Ge🎉ração ousada e🎉 vitoriosa
O te🎉rmo "Brazilian Storm" (te🎉mpe🎉stade🎉 brasile🎉ira) surgiu e🎉m 2011, me🎉smo ano e🎉m que🎉 Gabrie🎉l Me🎉dina e🎉 💋 Migue🎉l Pupo se🎉 juntaram a Adriano de🎉 Souza e🎉 Jadson André na e🎉lite🎉. A e🎉ntrada dos dois marca o início 💋 de🎉 uma ge🎉ração vitoriosa na cate🎉goria masculina, que🎉 e🎉voluiu e🎉m conjunto e🎉 foi re🎉sponsáve🎉l por que🎉brar paradigmas e🎉 colocar o 💋 Brasil😄 no topo de🎉 e🎉tapas tradicionais e🎉 com caracte🎉rísticas dife🎉re🎉nte🎉s do nosso litoral - com tubos de🎉 fundo de🎉 coral 💋 e🎉 point bre🎉aks.
A e🎉volução das pranchas se🎉 de🎉ve🎉 a vários🃏 fatore🎉s. No caso dos mate🎉riais utilizados para confe🎉cção, 💋 inicialme🎉nte🎉 e🎉ram ape🎉nas poliéste🎉r, poliure🎉tano e🎉 fibra de🎉 vidro. Mais tarde🎉 vie🎉ram o EPS (isopor), o e🎉póxi e🎉 o carbono. 💋 Os tamanhos e🎉 mode🎉los mudaram. A prancha utilizada pe🎉lo australiano Pe🎉te🎉r Towne🎉nd no título de🎉 1976 tinha ape🎉nas uma quilha 💋 e🎉 me🎉dia 2,23cm, quase🎉 50cm maior que🎉 a quadriquilha utilizada por Filipe🎉 Tole🎉do no título de🎉 2024, de🎉 1,75cm. Os 💋 volume🎉s das pranchas também diminuíram conside🎉rave🎉lme🎉nte🎉. Atualme🎉nte🎉 se🎉 dão e🎉m torno de🎉 26 e🎉 29 litros, com pe🎉so e🎉m torno 💋 de🎉 2,4 quilos.
Pe🎉lo te🎉rce🎉iro ano, o título da Liga Mundial de🎉 surfe🎉 se🎉rá de🎉finido através do Finals, e🎉m 💋 Tre🎉stle🎉s, na Califórnia. Ne🎉sta proposta, os cinco me🎉lhore🎉s surfistas do ranking mundial participam da de🎉cisão da te🎉mporada. Ne🎉ste🎉 caso, Jack 💋 Robinson (5º) e🎉 João Chianca (4º) faze🎉m a bate🎉ria de🎉 e🎉stre🎉ia. Que🎉m avançar e🎉nfre🎉nta Ethan Ewing (3º). O ve🎉nce🎉dor surfa 💋 contra Griffin Colapinto (2º) por uma vaga na final. Por fim, Filipe🎉 Tole🎉do disputa o título da te🎉mporada contra o 💋 sobre🎉vive🎉nte🎉 da triage🎉m. Na grande🎉 final, a disputa é e🎉m me🎉lhor de🎉 três bate🎉rias.
Itaguai in 1970
Itaguaí (Portuguese pronunciation: [itɐgwaˈi]) is a municipality located in the Brazilian state of Rio de Janeiro and contains 📉 several important iron ore loading ports of the world including Ilha Guaiba.[3] Its population was 134,819 in 2024 and its 📉 area is 273 km2.[4] The city was founded in 1688 and lies midway between Rio de Janeiro and Angra dos 📉 Reis.[5]
Itaguai and the region around it contain some of the largest ore exporting ports in Brazil.[7][8] It also serves also 📉 as dormitory town for workers of the industrial western zone (Zona Oeste) of Rio de Janeiro. It is the seat 📉 of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Itaguaí.
The Port of Itaguai was opened as a deepwater port in 1982, primarily to 📉 export alumina and other minerals found in the Minas Gerais region. It includes ports of Itaguai, Sepetiba and Guaiba island.[9][10] 📉 The port of Sepetiba is located in the port of Itaguaí.[11] As of August 2024, the port accommodates large bulk 📉 carriers (170,000 deadweight).[12] The Port of Sepetiba is further divided into two administrative regions - Sepetiba Bay and Sepetiba terminal.[13]
The 📉 Port of Guaíba island (also known as Ilha Guaiba terminal),[14][15] located close by has separate terminals for exporting mineral ores, 📉 but is privately owned by the mining company Vale and comes under the authority of the Port of Itaguai (Rio 📉 de Janeiro).[16] Guaiba consists of deep water berths for loading the largest bulk carriers in the world, but has no 📉 residents and no road connections.[17] Iron ore reaches the terminal through a railway bridge that connects the island to the 📉 mainland, and further, to the Vale mines in Minas Gerais.[18] In March 2024, the port, which exports 40 million tonnes 📉 of iron ore each year, was closed by the local municipality due to excessive pollution and after the Brumadinho disaster 📉 in another mine in Brazil.[19] The closure was short though, as a court injunction was granted to Vale a day 📉 later and the port resumed operations.[20]