Report Coachbuster • Gin, and the juice of freshly squeezed oranges in my daytime drink
never tried this Sapphire stuff Gin, and the juice of freshly squeezed oranges in my daytime drinknever tried this Sapphire stuff
Report Alex69 • Antidisestablishmentarianism ale Antidisestablishmentarianism ale
Report Burton-Brewers • yard of ale yard of ale
Report Makybe_Diva •
Totally unhealthy, but a friend gave me a big glass of this one hot summer's day while sitting in her garden.
It was heavenly.
I have, very occasionaly, bought some myself http://tesco/groceries/Product/Details/?id=251283971Totally unhealthy, but a friend gave me a big glass of this one hot summer's day while sitting in her garden.It was heavenly.I have, very occasionaly, bought some myself http://tesco/groceries/Product/Details/?id=251283971Totally unhealthy, but a friend gave me a big glass of this one hot summer's day while sitting in her garden.It was heavenly. I have, very occasionaly, bought some myself
Report jamov • "never tried this Sapphire stuff" you should, it's excellent "never tried this Sapphire stuff" you should, it's excellent
Report moisok • double gordons gin, lemonade, grapefruit juice - can make that as long as you like in a pint glass
or a triple even!!!! double gordons gin, lemonade, grapefruit juice - can make that as long as you like in a pint glassor a triple even!!!!
Report DStyle • opening two posts very close to the mark.
for an early afternoon drink, a southside fizz is the correct answer. opening two posts very close to the mark.for an early afternoon drink, a southside fizz is the correct answer.
Report SlippyBlue • I'm quite partial to a Long Island Iced Tea personally. I'm quite partial to a Long Island Iced Tea personally.
Report Blades • There's a lot of ladies on this post. There's a lot of ladies on this post.
Report jamov • "southside fizz" had to google it, sounds good "southside fizz" had to google it, sounds good
Report creatureinthesky • I do like a Mai Tai or two, especially if made with Mount Gay.
Any more than three and I'm history though. I do like a Mai Tai or two, especially if made with Mount Gay.Any more than three and I'm history though.
Report Aunty Post • BBastard got there first.
So he must be disqualified, as it is now a "Metre of Ale"! Just read over the thread before posting my instant thought "Yard of Ale" only to find that some cleverastard got there first.So he must be disqualified, as it is now a "Metre of Ale"! Just read over the thread before posting my instant thought "Yard of Ale" only to find that some clever BBastard got there first.So he must be disqualified, as it is now a "Metre of Ale"!
Report Ylime • Southern Comfort, Lime and Lemonade in a tall glass with lots of ice.. Southern Comfort, Lime and Lemonade in a tall glass with lots of ice..