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Rules applicable to all Poker Games

Poker Equipment

Originally Poker was played with a

standard 36 card Piquet deck of playing cards. 🍉 Most games these days are played with a

standard 52 card deck. The Ace ranks high except that it can 🍉 also be used low in a

"straight" or run of cards i.e. Ace, 2, 3, 4, 5. Some kind of 🍉 tokens to bet with are

required and conventionally these are round chips - sets of Poker chips are easily

obtainable 🍉 these days and vary from very cheap to extremely high quality sets of great

value. A dealer chip called a 🍉 "blind" is also usually used to indicate the current

dealer (or at Casino tables, to indicate who plays first).

Poker Objective

Poker 🍉 is

totally a gambling game and unlike some other gambling games cannot really be played

without stakes. The stakes do 🍉 not need to be money - peanuts, sweets or matchsticks

will work fine, although seasoned gamblers will sneer at anything 🍉 other than serious

stakes. The aim for a hand is to win by having the highest ranked hand of cards 🍉 or else

by continuing to bet that your hand is the highest until all the other players drop

out. The 🍉 player who is left when all the others have dropped out or the player who has

the highest ranked hand 🍉 when the hands are shown wins the "pot" - all the money that

has been bet during that hand. In 🍉 the event of a draw, the pot is divided equally

amongst players.

Poker Scoring Hands

There are nine ranking Poker hands. We 🍉 list them

below in ascending order: One Pair - 2 cards of the same value The hand with the higher

🍉 value pair wins. If they are the same, then the highest value card in the remaining 3

cards determines who 🍉 wins. If they are also the same, the highest value card in the

remaining 2 cards determines who wins and 🍉 so on.

Two Pairs - 2 different value pairs

The hand with the highest value pair wins. If they are the 🍉 same, then the value of the

second pair determines who wins. If they are also the same, then the value 🍉 of the

remaining card determines who wins.

Three of a kind - 3 cards of the same value The

hand with 🍉 the higher matching 3 cards wins.

The Straight - A run of 5 cards, regardless

of suit The Straight that starts 🍉 with the highest value card wins.

The Flush - 5 cards

of the same suit The hand with the highest value 🍉 card wins or if the highest cards are

the same, the value of the second highest cards determines the winner 🍉 and so on.


Full House - 3 cards of the same value and 2 cards of the same different value 🍉 The hand

with the higher matching 3 cards wins.

Four of a kind - 4 cards of the same value The

🍉 hand with the higher matching 4 cards wins.

The Straight Flush - A run of 5 cards of

the same suit 🍉 The Straight Flush that starts with the highest value card wins.


Royal Flush A run of 5 cards of the 🍉 same suit starting with a ten

If a hand contains

none of the ranking combinations above, then the highest card gives 🍉 the value of the

hand. E.g. "Ace High".

General Poker Rules

The dealer changes to the left each hand.

The person to 🍉 the right of the dealer cuts the cards after they are shuffled. Ideally

Poker is played with 5, 6 or 🍉 7 players. Bets are placed in front of the player. If at

any point during the betting phases, all but 🍉 one player "fold" and drop out, then that

player is the winner of the round and takes the pot/all bets. 🍉 Crucially, in this case,

the winning player's hand is not revealed so that the other players do not know if 🍉 the

player was bluffing or not.

Poker Stakes

The stakes played for in any Poker game are

agreed at the beginning and 🍉 vary widely. The following rules do not give any guidelines

for the stakes but there are some common conventions regarding 🍉 raising the


General Poker Betting Limitation Strategies

In a completely theoretical game,

the stake might be doubled each time and usually 🍉 the house rules permit this for a

short number of raises. However, after the stake has doubled 3 or 4 🍉 times, it tends to

be so large that doubling it further means many of the players will be forced out 🍉 due

to a lack of funds rather than anything to do with their hand. So a historical way of

avoiding 🍉 this problem has been to say that after the stake has been raised 3 or 4

times, thereafter it is 🍉 only allowed to raise it by the amount it was previously raised

by. So for instance, the ante or first 🍉 blind forced bet might be 1 chip, the straddle

(or second blind or Big Blind) forced second bet is usually 🍉 double - in our example 2

chips. The first raise would then be 4 chips, the second raise 8 chips 🍉 but thereafter

each raise would be 8 chips.

Texas Hold'em Betting Limitation Strategies

There are a

multitude of other betting regimes and 🍉 limitations which can be confusing. To give some

topical examples, following are the 2 main betting rules from the currently 🍉 most

popular variety of Poker - Texas Hold'em: Limit Hold'em

Second forced bet (big blind)

must be double the first forced 🍉 bet (small blind).

Raises in the first two rounds of

betting must equal the big blind

Raises in the last 2 rounds 🍉 of betting must be double

the big blind

It must be the same or greater than the big blind

It must be 🍉 the same or

greater than the previous raise

It must be the same or less than the number of chips

the 🍉 player has already bet.

Basic Draw Poker


No Limit Hold'em - Second

forced bet (big blind) must be double the first forced 🍉 bet (small blind). A Raise may

be of any amount limited by the following constraints:

The player to the dealer's left

🍉 bets a starting amount by putting down some chips. This is called "the Ante". The next

players puts down a 🍉 further initial bet - traditionally, double the ante. This is

called "the Straddle". The value of the stake traditionally starts 🍉 at 4 X the ante but

this may vary according to the house rules. Each player is dealt 5 cards.

First 🍉 Round

of Betting

The player to the left of the player who bet the Second Blind starts the

first round of 🍉 betting. Each player in succession can do one of 3 things:

"Fold" -

Throw in their cards and take no further 🍉 part in the hand

"Call" - Increase the bet in

front of them to match the level of the player who 🍉 last raised it.

"Raise" - in

addition to calling, a player may also raise the stake by adding more to the 🍉 bet in

front of him.

The Draw

After a player raises, if all the subsequent players either fold

or call but do 🍉 not raise the stake further, then no further raises may be made. At this

point, some of the players may 🍉 have dropped out and the remaining players will all have

the current value of the stake in front of them.

Each 🍉 player in turn, then requests to

discard 1, 2 or 3 cards in exchange for replacement cards from the deck, 🍉 if they wish -

the objective being to improve the rank of the hand.

Second Round of Betting


betting process then 🍉 restarts with the first player to the dealer's left who has not

yet folded. In the second round of betting, 🍉 until someone Raises, players may:

"Fold" -

Throw in their cards and take no further part in the hand

"Check" - Stay 🍉 in the game at

the current stake level

"Raise" - a player raises the stake by adding more to the bet

🍉 in front of him

The Showdown

If all players check, then play proceeds straight to the

Showdown. Otherwise, as soon as someone 🍉 raises the stake, subsequent players can only

Fold, Call or Raise. Betting ceases when, after a raise, all subsequent players 🍉 either

Call or Fold.

Once betting for the second round has ceased, if only one player remains

in the game, that 🍉 player wins the pot. The player's hand is not revealed to the other

players. This means that if the player 🍉 had been bluffing - pretending that his hand was

highly ranked when it was not, then no-one will be any 🍉 the wiser. Otherwise, all

players reveal their hands and the highest ranked hand wins the pot.

Basic Five-Card

Stud Poker


All players 🍉 contribute an agreed starting stake to the pot.

Each player is one card face down (called the "hole" card) and 🍉 one card face up.



The player with the lowest value card showing must starts the betting. If there

are two 🍉 or more players with the same value, whichever of these players closest to the

dealer's left starts. Each player in 🍉 succession can do one of 3 things:

"Fold" - Throw

in their cards and take no further part in the hand

"Call" 🍉 - Increase the bet in front

of them to match the level of the player who last raised it.

"Raise" - 🍉 in addition to

calling, a player may also raise the stake by adding more to the bet in front of

🍉 him.

Subsequent Rounds

After a player raises, if all the subsequent players either fold

or call but do not raise the stake 🍉 further, then no further raises may be made until

the next card is dealt.

Another card is then dealt face-up to 🍉 each player. The betting

process then restarts with the first player to the dealer's left who has not yet

folded. 🍉 In the second, third, fourth and fifth rounds of betting, until someone Raises,

players may:

"Fold" - Throw in their cards 🍉 and take no further part in the hand


- Stay in the game at the current stake level

"Raise" - a 🍉 player raises the stake by

adding more to the bet in front of him

The Showdown

If all players check, then play

🍉 proceeds straight to next round. Otherwise, as soon as someone raises the stake,

subsequent players can only Fold, Call or 🍉 Raise. Betting ceases when, after a raise,

all subsequent players either Call or Fold. After the fifth card has been 🍉 dealt and the

final round of betting is completed, the Showdown occurs.

If only one player remains in

the game, that 🍉 player wins the pot. The player's hole card is not revealed to the other

players. This means that if the 🍉 player had been bluffing - pretending that his hand was

highly ranked when it was not, then no-one will be 🍉 any the wiser. Otherwise, all

players reveal their hands and the highest ranked hand wins the pot and all bets.


🍉 Hold'em Poker Rules

Texas Hold'em is a version of Draw Poker that has become the most

fashionable version of Poker played 🍉 towards the latter half of the first decade of the

21st century. It is the Poker game most commonly played 🍉 in Casinos and is also the game

regularly featured in the World Poker series tournament and other televised Poker games

🍉 - which accounts for its popularity.


The player to the dealer's left bets

a starting amount by putting down some chips. 🍉 This is called "First Blind". The next

players puts down some chips too - this is called the "Second blind" 🍉 and is normally

equal to double the first blind. The second blind also usually is the value of the

minimum 🍉 bet.

First Round

Each player is dealt 2 cards, face down. These are called "The

Hole Cards" The player to the left 🍉 of the player who bet the Second Blind starts the

first round of betting. Each player in succession can do 🍉 one of 3 things:

"Fold" -

Throw in their cards and take no further part in the hand

"Call" - Increase the 🍉 bet in

front of them to match the level of the player who last raised it.

"Raise" - in

addition to 🍉 calling, a player may also raise the stake by adding more to the bet in

front of him.

Second (The Flop), 🍉 Third (The Turn) & Fourth (The River) Rounds

After a

player raises, if all the subsequent players either fold or call 🍉 but do not raise the

stake further, then no further raises may be made and play proceeds to the second

🍉 round.

The second, third and fourth rounds are played in a similar way. First, the top

card of the deck is 🍉 discarded - an anti-cheating ritual called "Burning the card".


In the second round, three "community cards" are dealt face-up in 🍉 the middle of

the table. These cards are called "The Flop" and the round is usually called "The Flop"


In 🍉 the third round called "The Turn", a fourth community card is dealt to join

those already on the table. This 🍉 card is called "Fourth Street".

In the fifth round,

"The River", the final community card dealt. This card is called "Fifth 🍉 Street".


- Throw in their cards and take no further part in the hand

"Check" - Stay in the game

at 🍉 the current stake level

"Raise" - a player raises the stake by adding more to the

bet in front of him

The 🍉 Showdown

The community cards are used by all the players in

conjunction with their two hidden "hole" cards to form their 🍉 hand and from these cards,

the players choose the five that give them the highest ranked Poker hand. The betting

🍉 process then restarts with the first player to the dealer's left who has not yet

folded. In the second, third 🍉 and fourth rounds of betting, until someone Raises,

players may:If all players Check, then play proceeds straight to next round. 🍉 Otherwise,

as soon as someone raises the stake, subsequent players can only Fold, Call or Raise.

Betting ceases when, after 🍉 a raise, all the other remaining players either Call or

Fold. After the fifth card has been dealt and the 🍉 final round of betting is completed,

the Showdown occurs.

If at any point during any of the betting rounds, only one 🍉 player

remains in the game, that player wins the pot. The player's hole cards are not revealed

to the other 🍉 players. This means that if the player had been bluffing - pretending that

his hand was highly ranked when it 🍉 was not, then no-one will be any the wiser.

Otherwise, all players reveal their hands and the highest ranked hand 🍉 wins the pot and

all bets.

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