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poker porto alegre

Shark - A very good player.

Poker is a game which combines elements of luck with

elements of skill. This means 🍊 that in the short run, anybody can win regardless of how

well they play. In the long run, however, everybody’s 🍊 luck tends to balance out, and

skill levels typically determine the winners and the losers. Since each individual

player plays 🍊 differently, and at his own skill level, a rudimentary food chain forms

over the long run, with each player losing 🍊 to those who play better than they do, but

profiting from those who play worse. The players at the top 🍊 of the poker food chain do

very well and are often wealthy and famous. Those at the bottom of the 🍊 food chain play

very poorly, and so provide opportunities for everybody who is higher up.

The food

chain metaphor is one 🍊 that is commonly used in the poker community. Players who play

well and are higher up the food chain are 🍊 often referred to as “card sharks,” or

simply, “sharks.” You may also hear these players referred to as “card sharps,” 🍊 or

“vacuum cleaners,” or as being “tough,” or “strong.” The weaker players who are closer

to the bottom of the 🍊 food chain are commonly referred to as “fish.” Fish are also known

by a variety of disparaging names including “donks,” 🍊 “donkeys,” “muppets,” “monkeys,”

“bozos,” and many others. Occasionally, you will hear someone who is a really big loser

referred to 🍊 as a “whale.” The term “whale” usually connotes large losses at high

limits, and can apply to either the pit 🍊 or the poker room.

Many new, inexperienced, or

recreational players do not like to play against sharks. There is a good 🍊 reason for

this. If one person is playing at a skill level which is significantly higher than the

other players 🍊 in the game, he can often win a large amount fairly quickly, leaving most

everyone else in the game a 🍊 loser. A shark may refer to a game like this as being a

“berry patch.” Weaker players do not want 🍊 to play against someone who dominates the

game and they do not like feeling as if they are being taken 🍊 advantage of. Many will

shy away from a game if they spot a player with a reputation for being a 🍊 shark. They

tend to prefer a “friendly game,” where players are there to have fun playing poker and

are not 🍊 really concerned with extracting maximum profit. When you first sit down in a

game, it is not always easy to 🍊 identify the sharks and the fish. It is a good idea to

watch the action, even when you are not 🍊 involved, so that you can try to get a line on

how everyone plays. And keep in mind the old 🍊 poker truism, if you look around the table

and don’t see the fish, it’s probably you.

The bottom line is that 🍊 if you want to make

a profit playing poker, you have to smart about game selection, and you also have 🍊 to

become a shark. Being smart about game selection means avoiding games where the

potential for long term profit is 🍊 minimal or nonexistent. This means avoiding games

where not enough fish are present or the field is too tough for 🍊 you. Try to seek out

games with a high ratio of fish to sharks. Do not try to avoid every 🍊 shark or every

single player who is tougher than you. First of all, this will not even be possible

unless 🍊 you play very well, as there are typically at least a couple of decent players

in every game.

More importantly, if 🍊 you are to become a shark, you need to have the

correct approach. Understand that becoming a shark is a 🍊 lifelong process that is never

complete. No matter how well you play, there will always be areas of your game 🍊 that can

be improved upon; there are always ways of doing things better. If you can accept this,

then every 🍊 time you play is a learning opportunity. If you are paying attention, you

can always learn something, especially from those 🍊 players who play better than you do.

When you are playing against a shark, take the opportunity to watch how 🍊 they handle

themselves in various situations. Look specifically for spots where they acted

differently from how you would have, and 🍊 ask why. You can also develop your game by

watching the fish. Being able to anticipate in advance how your 🍊 opponent will act is a

huge advantage. Look for area where they consistently play poorly, and be ready to take

🍊 advantage of that. The best players are never satisfied with their level of play and

are always hungry to optimize. 🍊 That is exactly the approach it takes to become a poker


*Card sharks is different than a "card sharp" or 🍊 "cardsharp". Sharks use skill

to win, while sharps are card manipulators or cheaters.

Usage: Shark On My Left, Seat 1

Is 🍊 A Shark, Card Shark, Poker Shark, Table Shark

Previous Poker Term: Set

Next Poker

Term: Shill

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