Serie A stats Serie B Serie C - Group A stats Serie C - Group B stats Serie C -
7️⃣ Group C stats Serie D - Group A stats Serie D - Group B stats Serie D - Group C 7️⃣ stats
Serie D - Group D stats Serie D - Group E stats Serie D - Group F stats Serie 7️⃣ D - Group
G stats Serie D - Group H stats Serie D - Group I stats Primavera 1 stats 7️⃣ Primavera 2
stats Serie A Women stats
Goal times
Goals by 15-min. segment
Min. Goals % goals 0-15
71 15.3% 16-30 59 12.7% 7️⃣ 31-45 64 13.8% 46-60 90 19.4% 61-75 64 13.8% 76-90 116
'31-45' and '76-90' also include added time
Goals by Half
Goals 7️⃣ % goals 1st half
194 41.8% 2nd half 270 58.2%
Match goals average times
Event Average time Matches 1st
goal 31 min. 7️⃣ 172 90.5% 2nd goal 52 min. 138 72.6% 3rd goal 67 min. 92 48.4% 4th goal 72
min. 39 20.5% 7️⃣ Any goal 50 min. 172 90.5% No goal - 18 9.5%
Early scoring analysis
1-15m Goals 16-90m Condition Matches Goals Per 7️⃣ match Any 190 393 2.07 No goal 128 268
2.09 Goal(s) 62 125 2.02
'16-90 min.' also includes added time
In 190 7️⃣ matches played in
total this season, there have been 393 goals scored between the 16th and the 90th
minute, averaging 7️⃣ 2.07 per match.
In the 128 matches with no goal scored in the first
15 minutes, there have been 268 goals 7️⃣ scored between the 16th and the 90th minute,
averaging 2.09 per match.
In the 62 matches with at least one goal 7️⃣ scored in the first
15 minutes, there have been 125 goals scored between the 16th and the 90th minute,
averaging 7️⃣ 2.02 per match.
Only played, non-abandonned matches are taken into account.
Any forfeited matches are excluded from these calculations regardless of 7️⃣ any awarded
Scores FT score Matches 1 - 1 27 14% Matches 1 - 2 22 12% Matches 2 - 7️⃣ 1 18 9%
Matches 1 - 0 18 9% Matches 0 - 0 18 9% Matches 0 - 1 16 7️⃣ 8% Matches 2 - 0 12 6% Matches
2 - 2 10 5% Matches 3 - 0 9 5% Matches 7️⃣ 0 - 2 7 4% Matches 1 - 3 6 3% Matches 2 - 3 5 3%
Matches 3 - 7️⃣ 2 5 3% Matches 3 - 1 5 3% Matches 3 - 3 4 2% Matches 0 - 3 4 7️⃣ 2% Matches 0 -
5 1 1% Matches 3 - 4 1 1% Matches 4 - 1 1 1% Matches 7️⃣ 4 - 0 1 1% Matches
Among the most
frequent Serie B results so far this season, 1 - 1 full-time 7️⃣ scoreline has been
recorded for 27 matches. Half-time Scores HT score Matches 0 - 0 62 33% 1 - 0 7️⃣ 41 22% 0
- 1 36 19% 1 - 1 18 9% 2 - 0 11 6% 0 - 2 7️⃣ 8 4% 1 - 2 6 3% 2 - 1 5 3% 0 - 3 1 1% 4 - 0 7️⃣ 1
1% 3 - 0 1 1%
Frequent scores in featured leagues