Mighty The Armadillo Starring a new character and with a reworked Green Hill Zone, this
is one of the oldest 🧬 Sonic rom hacks ever
Sonic 2 Return of Shadow Features 15 new
levels and 4 playable characters including: Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, 🧬 and Shadow
Classic Heroes Control Sonic, Tails, or Knuckles in this combination effort of Sonic 1
and Sonic 2
Sonic Legacy 🧬 A simple but fun Sonic 2 hack that features all the stages
being edited to varying degrees
Metal Sonic 2 Metal 🧬 Sonic replaces Sonic as a playable
character and has 3 different play styles to choose from
Sonic 2 Battle Race A 🧬 2 player
rom hack where players must race to the end of each screen to score a point. Most
points 🧬 wins.
Sonic 2 Chaos Adventure Featuring just 1 new zone but with cool powerups
such as the pogo spring, snowboard, and 🧬 rocket shoes!
Sonic 2 Aluminum Edition This rom
hack only features new graphics and different zone names but is otherwise Sonic 🧬 2
In Sonic The Hedgehog Kirby can double jump - practcially fly - in this Sonic the
Hedgehog 1 hack
Mario 🧬 In Sonic 1 Have you ever wanted to play Sonic the Hedgehog but as
Mario? Well, now is your chance!
Sonic 🧬 Streets Of Rage 3 This rom is a hack of Streets
of Rage 3 where you can play as Sonic!
Sonic 🧬 Stardust Gear A complete rom hack of Sonic
1 featuring all new levels, new music, and 6 new challenging worlds 🧬 to tackle
Sonic 2
The Lost Worlds Features the 7 zones that were cut from the original Sonic 2 including
the 🧬 Dust Hill Zone, Wood Zone, and Winter Zone
Sonic Magnified Features one MASSIVE
level to explore and introduces spring dashing (see 🧬 instructions). Layout is Green Hill
Super Mario 64 Mario must save the Princess but this time the stakes are higher
🧬 and the dimensions are in 3D!
Sonic The Final Showdown Completely reworked levels,
reordered music, and 2 new monitors - 50 🧬 rings and replenish air
Sonic 2 Hell You are
not actually visiting hell in this Sonic 2 hack but is sure 🧬 looks like Sonic just came
from there
Sonic the Perfect Existence A Sonic 2 hack featuring Shadow in place of
sonic, 🧬 Mizu as Shadows sidekick, and some new levels and music
Sonic Ancient Isles What
if Sonic 1 took place on a 🧬 completely different island? All new levels, sprites, and
music await you in this hack.
Mean Bean Machine MS A puzzle style 🧬 game with a Sonic
theme - or in this case Dr Robotnik. Stack similar colored beans to clear them.