A case card in poker is the last card of a certain rank remaining in the deck. This
means that 👍 the other three cards of that rank have either been dealt or exposed at some
point earlier in the hand.
For 👍 example, imagine we hold an Ace on a AAx flop in
Hold’em. There is only one ace left in the 👍 deck that can give us quads, the case
In this guide we’ll learn the following -
What Does it Mean to 👍 Draw to a Case Card
in Poker?
If we are drawing to a case card it essentially means that we only 👍 have one
out left in the deck that can complete our draw. Drawing to case cards is a bad thing
👍 because it means we are going to miss in the vast majority of cases. A common example
is having a 👍 dominated three of a kind and needing to hit the last remaining card of a
certain rank to make quads 👍 and win the pot.
Will we Always Know if We are Drawing to
the Case Card?
Sometimes we might think we have 👍 two outs to improve (for example we
hold two aces and need to improve to three of a kind) but 👍 it turns out that another
player folded one of our outs earlier on in the hand. We are technically drawing 👍 to the
case ace but have no way of knowing there aren’t still two aces in the deck. In
televised 👍 poker, the commentators may have seen that the ace was folded earlier in the
hand and correctly realise that a 👍 player is drawing to the case ace even though the
player himself has no idea.
What Does it Mean to ‘Catch 👍 the Case Ace’ in
Catching the case Ace means we hit the last available ace in the deck. For
example, 👍 we hold three of a kind aces in Hold’em but are currently losing to a full
house. If we hit 👍 the last remaining ace in the deck to make quads this is known as
‘catching the case ace’.
How Likely is 👍 it to Catch a Case Card?
Catching a case card is
very unlikely in Hold’em. From flop to turn 2.1% of 👍 the time. From turn to river 2.2%
of the time. And from flop to river 4.3% of the time. Basically, 👍 don’t count on it,
it’s probably not going to happen.
Drawing to case cards is usually not
favorable since we are 👍 extremely unlikely to hit. As poker players we should always be
aware of when it is worth drawing and when 👍 it is not. Chasing unlikely events is a good
way to lose a lot of chips.